Premio “Graduate Student Field Study”

2013 Premio Ph. D. "Bernard Nietschmann":
Gary LaVanchy, University of Denver
Water Resources and Tourism Development along the Western Coast of Nicaragua: A Political Ecology Perspective
Consejero: Matthew Taylor

2013 Premio Ph. D. "James J. Parsons":
Christopher Hartmann, Ohio State University
Governing Health and Managing Garbage in Managua, Nicaragua
Consejera: Becky Mansfield

2013 Premio Ph. D. "Robert B. West":
Teresa Bornschlegl, Clark University
Environmental Law Enforcement and the Possibilities for Socio-ecological Justice in the Hydro-carbon sector in Ecuador
Consejero: Anthony Bebbington

2013 Premio M. A. "William M. Denevan":
Richard Johnson, University of Arizona
Debt Landscapes: Migration, Loan Default, and Landuse Change in Rural Guatemala
Consejera: Elizabeth Oglesby

2013 Premio M. A. "Oscar Horst":
Lisa Green, Utah State University
Climate Change Vulnerability in Calakmul, Mexico
Consejera: Claudia Radel

2013 Premio M. A. "Clarissa Kimber":
Jared Van Ramshorst, San Diego State University
Spaces of Possibility: Transnational Networks in Oaxaca, Mexico
Consejero: Fernando Bosco

2012 Premio Ph. D. "Bernard Nietschmann":
Zoe Pearson, Ohio State State University
The War against Coca: Grounding the Impacts of Drug Control Policy in Bolivia
Reporte de Campo
Consejera: Kendra McSweeney

2012 Premio Ph. D. "James J. Parsons":
Alex Sphar, Clark University
Industrial Policy, Ideas, & Institutional Change in Brazil
Reporte de Campo
Consejero: James T. Murphy

2012 Premio Ph. D. "Robert B. West":
Tamara Elwell, University of California, Santa Barbara
Reconciling Marine Conservation with Livelihood Development
Reporte de Campo
Consejero: David López-Carr

2012 Premio M. A. "William M. Denevan":
Nikolai Alvarado, University of Denver
Impacts on Small-scale and Subsistance Fisheries of Tourism Development and Conservation Schemes
Reporte de Campo
Consejero: Matthew Taylor

2012 Premio M. A. "Oscar Horst":
Catherine Jampel, Penn State University
How Bears become "problems": Understanding Human-Bear-Cattle Relations in the Northern Ecuadorian Andes
Reporte de Campo
Consejera: Melissa Wright

2012 Premio M. A. "Clarissa Kimber":
Niki von Hedemann, University of Arizona
Communities and Carbon: Evaluating Opportunity and Access in the Guatemalan Highlands
Reporte de Campo
Consejera: Tracey Osborne

2011 Premio Ph. D. "Bernard Nietschmann":
Adrienne Johnson, Clark University
Multi-stakeholder Institutions and the Governance of Sustainability: The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in Ecuador
Reporte de Campo
Consejero: Anthony Bebbington

2011 Premio Ph. D. "James J. Parsons":
Sean Tanner, Rutgers University
Projects and Progress: Becoming NGO client subjects in northern Guatemala
Reporte de Campo
Consejero: Kevin St. Martin

2011 Premio M. A. "Oscar Horst":
Cheryl Hagevik, Appalachian State University
Mapping Bolivia's socio-political climate: Evaluation of multivariate strategies
Reporte de Campo
Consejeros: Christopher Badurek, Kathleen Schroeder

2010 Premio Ph. D.:
Emma Mullaney, Pennsylvania State University
The Contentious Politics of Corn: Conflicting Agro-Economic Narratives in Mexico's Central Highlands
Reporte de Campo
Consejero: Karl Zimmerer

2010 Premio Ph. D.:
Manuel Prieto, The University of Arizona
The legal construction of water and the Atacameños of the Loa River Basin (Chile)
Reporte de Campo
Consejero: Carl J. Bauer

2010 Premio M. A.:
Jessica Long, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Making ends meet: understanding spatial and economic aspects of forest dependence in indigenous Iquito communities in the Peruvian Amazon University
Reporte de Campo
Consejera: Lisa Naughton-Treves

2009 Premio Ph. D.:
David Tecklin, The University of Arizona
Private environmental governance in Chile: conflict and adaptive institution building for fish, forests and water
Reporte de Campo
Consejero: Carl J. Bauer

2009 Premio M. A.:
Tamara Elwell, University of California, Santa Barbara
How has Fisheries Management Affected the Livelihoods of Artisanal Shellfish Harvesters in Chile's Lakes Region?
Reporte de Campo
Consejero: Stuart Sweeney

2008 Premio Ph. D.:
Amy Lerner, University of California, Santa Barbara
Peri-urbanization in Central Mexico: Implications for rural household livelihoods and land-use
Reporte de Campo
Consejera: Hallie Eakin

2008 Premio M. A.:
Will Anderson, San Diego State University
Korean Transnational Migration to Guatemala: An Exploration of Maquila Connections, Social Exclusion, and Urban Insecurity
Reporte de Campo
Consejero: Fernando J. Bosco


JLAG's Ten Most Popular Articles by Requests Since 2010

10104 Christopher Gaffney (2010).
Mega-events and socio-spatial dynamics in Rio de Janeiro, 1919-2016
Journal of Latin American Geography 9(1).

4591 Maria Elisa Christie (2002).
Naturaleza y sociedad desde la perspectiva de la cocina tradicional mexicana: género, adaptación y resistencia
Journal of Latin American Geography 1(1).

4469 Doribel Herrador Valencia; Enric Mendizábal Riera; Martí Boada i Juncà (2012).
Participatory Action Research Applied to the Management of Natural Areas: The Case Study of Cinquera in El Salvador
Journal of Latin American Geography 11(1).

3584 Jeremy Slack; Daniel E. Martínez; Alison Elizabeth Lee; Scott Whiteford (2016).
The Geography of Border Militarization: Violence, Death and Health in Mexico and the United States
Journal of Latin American Geography 15(1).

3562 Karl H. Offen (2004).
The Territorial Turn: Making Black Territories in Pacific Colombia
Journal of Latin American Geography 2(1).

3105 Jeffrey Todd Bury (2002).
Livelihoods, Mining and Peasant Protests in the Peruvian Andes
Journal of Latin American Geography 1(1).

2766 James Freeman (2014).
Raising the Flag over Rio de Janeiro's Favelas: Citizenship and Social Control in the Olympic City
Journal of Latin American Geography 13(1).

2540 Kate Swanson; Rebecca Maria Torres (2016).
Child Migration and Transnationalized Violence in Central and North America
Journal of Latin American Geography 15(3).

2527 Cynthia Sorrensen (2005).
Maria Full of Grace (Maria, llena eres de gracia) (review)
Journal of Latin American Geography 4(2).

2408 Dr. Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard (2015).
The Case of the Green Turtle: An Uncensored History of a Conservation Icon by Alison Rieser (review)
Journal of Latin American Geography 14(1).

JLAG's Ten Most Popular Articles by Requests in 05/2024

616 Doribel Herrador Valencia; Enric Mendizábal Riera; Martí Boada i Juncà (2012).
Participatory Action Research Applied to the Management of Natural Areas: The Case Study of Cinquera in El Salvador
Journal of Latin American Geography 11(1).

112 Karl H. Offen (2004).
The Territorial Turn: Making Black Territories in Pacific Colombia
Journal of Latin American Geography 2(1).

103 Maria Elisa Christie (2002).
Naturaleza y sociedad desde la perspectiva de la cocina tradicional mexicana: género, adaptación y resistencia
Journal of Latin American Geography 1(1).

85 Martha G. Bell; Jessica Budds; Gabriela Valdivia; Jörn Seemann; John C. Finn; Eugenio Arima (2023).
Contested Conference Locations: Perspectives on the 2024 AAG and CLAG Meetings
Journal of Latin American Geography 22(3).

75 Christian Brannstrom Adryane Gorayeb (2022).
Geographical Implications of Brazil’s Emerging Green Hydrogen Sector
Journal of Latin American Geography 21(1).

57 Hanna Laako Edith Kauffer (2021).
Conservation in the Frontier: Negotiating Ownerships of Nature at the Southern Mexican Border
Journal of Latin American Geography 20(3).

56 Miguel Aguilar Robledo (2004).
Formation of the Miraflores Hacienda: Lands, Indians, and Livestock in Eastern New Spain at the End of the Sixteenth Century
Journal of Latin American Geography 2(1).

56 David J. Keeling (2005).
Latin American Development and the Globalization Imperative: New Directions, Familiar Crises
Journal of Latin American Geography 3(1).

53 Daniel W. Gade (2002).
Names for Manihot esculenta: Geographical Variations and Lexical Clarification
Journal of Latin American Geography 1(1).

51 Elizabeth Macpherson; Pía Weber Salazar; Paulo Urrutia Barceló (2023).
Los ríos como territorio en disputa: hacia un enfoque relacional del agua en Chile / Rivers as Disputed Territory: Towards a Relational Approach to Water in Chile
Journal of Latin American Geography 22(3).

JLAG's Ten Most Popular Articles by Requests in 2024

1977 Doribel Herrador Valencia; Enric Mendizábal Riera; Martí Boada i Juncà (2012).
Participatory Action Research Applied to the Management of Natural Areas: The Case Study of Cinquera in El Salvador
Journal of Latin American Geography 11(1).

968 Maria Elisa Christie (2002).
Naturaleza y sociedad desde la perspectiva de la cocina tradicional mexicana: género, adaptación y resistencia
Journal of Latin American Geography 1(1).

670 Martha G. Bell; Jessica Budds; Gabriela Valdivia; Jörn Seemann; John C. Finn; Eugenio Arima (2023).
Contested Conference Locations: Perspectives on the 2024 AAG and CLAG Meetings
Journal of Latin American Geography 22(3).

555 Karl H. Offen (2004).
The Territorial Turn: Making Black Territories in Pacific Colombia
Journal of Latin American Geography 2(1).

509 Elizabeth Macpherson; Pía Weber Salazar; Paulo Urrutia Barceló (2023).
Los ríos como territorio en disputa: hacia un enfoque relacional del agua en Chile / Rivers as Disputed Territory: Towards a Relational Approach to Water in Chile
Journal of Latin American Geography 22(3).

485 Christian Brannstrom Adryane Gorayeb (2022).
Geographical Implications of Brazil’s Emerging Green Hydrogen Sector
Journal of Latin American Geography 21(1).

283 Jessica Budds; Kathleen O'Reilly (2023).
Reforming Water Governance in Chile: A Hydrosocial Relations Perspective
Journal of Latin American Geography 22(3).

274 Miguel Aguilar Robledo (2004).
Formation of the Miraflores Hacienda: Lands, Indians, and Livestock in Eastern New Spain at the End of the Sixteenth Century
Journal of Latin American Geography 2(1).

242 Felix M. Dorn; Fernando Ruiz Peyré (2020).
Lithium as a Strategic Resource: Geopolitics, Industrialization, and Mining in Argentina
Journal of Latin American Geography 19(4).

232 Daniel W. Gade (2002).
Names for Manihot esculenta: Geographical Variations and Lexical Clarification
Journal of Latin American Geography 1(1).

Los Diez Artículos Españoles Mas Popular de JLAG por Solicitudes Desde 2010

4591 Maria Elisa Christie (2002).
Naturaleza y sociedad desde la perspectiva de la cocina tradicional mexicana: género, adaptación y resistencia
Journal of Latin American Geography 1(1).

2258 Danilo Borja; Juan Bay; Conny Davidsen; Traducido por Yulia Garcia Sarduy (2021).
Ancianos amazónicos en la frontera petrolera: La vida y muerte de Nenkihui Bay, líder tradicional Waorani
Journal of Latin American Geography 20(1).

2154 Diana Vela-Almeida; Sofia Zaragocin; Manuel Bayón; Iñigo Arrazola (2020).
Imaginando territorios plurales de vida: una lectura feminista de las resistencias en los movimientos socio-territoriales en el Ecuador
Journal of Latin American Geography 19(2).

1660 Colectivo de Geografía Crítica del Ecuador (2017).
Geografiando para la resistencia
Journal of Latin American Geography 16(1).

1631 Diego B. Leal; David S. Salisbury; Josué Faquín Fernández; Lizardo Cauper Pezo; Julio Silva (2015).
Ideas cambiantes sobre territorio, recursos y redes políticas en la Amazonía indígena: un estudio de caso sobre Perú
Journal of Latin American Geography 14(2).

1620 Geobrujas-Comunidad de Geógrafas (2021).
Cuerpos, fronteras y resistencia: mujeres conjurando geografí­a a través de experiencias desde el otro lado del muro
Journal of Latin American Geography 20(2).

1366 Christian Abizaid; Luis Ángel Collado Panduro; Sergio Gonzales Egusquiza (2020).
Pobreza Y Medios De Subsistencia En La Amazonía Peruana En Tiempos De La Covid-19
Journal of Latin American Geography 19(3).

1301 Jerónimo Ríos Sierra (2020).
Una aproximación (geo)politológica a la crisis de la COVID-19 en América Latina
Journal of Latin American Geography 19(3).

1023 Robert B. Kent (2012).
La geografía en América Latina: Visión por países
Journal of Latin American Geography 11(1).

911 Rosa Silvia Arciniega (2012).
Participación de Mujeres en el Mercado Laboral del Estado de México
Journal of Latin American Geography 11(1).

Os Artigos Português Mais Populares da JLAG por Solicitações Desde 2010

1681 Rogério Haesbaert (2020).
Território(s) numa perspectiva latino-americana
Journal of Latin American Geography 19(1).

1572 Luciene Cristina Risso; Clerisnaldo Rodrigues de Carvalho (2022).
A exibição de antipolíticas indígenas e ambientais orquestrada pelo governo brasileiro de Bolsonaro
Journal of Latin American Geography 21(2).

1308 Joana Salém Vasconcelos (2021).
Cuba, protestos e caminhos da revolução
Journal of Latin American Geography 20(3).

949 Laura Sarmiento (2016).
JLAG Perspectives: Vida, Conhecimento e Território: uma geobiografia do Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves
Journal of Latin American Geography 15(3).

743 Joseli Maria Silva; Marcio Jose Ornat (2020).
Geografias feministas na América Latina: desafios epistemológicos e a decolonialidade de saberes
Journal of Latin American Geography 19(1).

475 Jessica Budds; Martha G. Bell; John C. Finn; Jörn Seemann; Eugenio Arima; Gabriela Valdivia (2023).
Language, Translation, and the Practice of Decolonizing Academic Publishing / Lengua, traducción y la práctica de la descolonización de las publicaciones académicas / Linguagem, tradução e a prática de descolonização das publicações acadêmicas
Journal of Latin American Geography 22(2).

283 Christian Dennys Monteiro de Oliveira; Fabrício Américo Ribeiro; Ivo Luis Oliveira Silva; Luiz Raphael Teixeira Silva; José Arilson Xavier de Souza; Gerlaine Cristina Franco; Marcos da Silva Rocha; Maryvone Moura Gomes; Camila Benatti (2020).
As organizações religiosas brasileiras frente à pandemia de COVID-19
Journal of Latin American Geography 19(3).

213 Vinicius Santos Almeida (2020).
Necromobilidade durante a pandemia da Covid-19
Journal of Latin American Geography 19(3).

160 Antoinette M.G.A. WinklerPrins (2009).
Cidades da Floresta: Urbanização, Desenvolvimento, e Globalização na Amazônia Brasileira (review)
Journal of Latin American Geography 8(1).

122 Jean-Yves Puyo (2008).
Mise en valeur de la Guyane française et peuplement blanc: les espoirs déçus du baron de Laussat (1819-1823)
Journal of Latin American Geography 7(1).