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Aldrich, S. P. (2012). Contested Groves: Forest Reserves and Land Conflict in the Eastern Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 73-101.

Angel, M. H. (2006). Las bases prehispánicas de la configuración territorial de la Provincia de Popayán en el periodo colonial. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 53-73.

Angel, M. H., Arbeláez, S. M., & Cisneros, S. P. (2012). Geographies of the Name: Naming Practices among the Muisca and Páez in the Audiencias of Santafé and Quito, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 91-115.

Azócar, G., Sanhueza, R., Aguayo, M., Romero, H., & Muñoz, M. D. (2005). Conflicts for control of Mapuche-Pehuenche land and natural resources in the Biobío highlands, Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 57-76.

Bockelman, B. (2012). Along the Waterfront: Alejandro Malaspina, Fernando Brambila, and the Invention of the Buenos Aires Cityscape, 1789-1809. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 61-88.

Buzai, G. D. (2013). Technological Dependency and the Internet: Latin American Access from Buenos Aires, 2001–2013. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 165-177.

Buzai, G. D., & Marcos, M. (2012). The Social Map of Greater Buenos Aires as Empirical Evidence of Urban Models. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 67-78.

Conway-Gómez, K. (2008). Market integration, perceived wealth and household consumption of river turtles (Podocnemis spp.) in eastern lowland Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 85-108.

Corby, J. H. K. (2010). For Members and Markets: Neoliberalism and Cooperativism in Mendoza’s Wine Industry. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 27-47.

Cowie, H. (2011). A Creole in Paris and a Spaniard in Paraguay: Geographies of Natural History in the Hispanic World (1750-1808). Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 175-197.

de Carvalho Dumith, R. (2014). Dinâmicas do sistema de gestão na Reserva Extrativista de Canavieiras, Bahia, Brasil: análise da robustez institucional. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 89-116.

Denevan, W. M. (2014). Estimating Amazonian Indian Numbers in 1492. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 207-221.

Denevan, W. M. (2012). Rewriting the Late Pre-European History of Amazonia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 9-24.

Driever, S. L. (2011). Geographic Narratives in the South American Travelogues of Harry A. Franck: 1917-1943. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 53-69.

Fadiman, M. G. (2005). Cultivated Food Plants: Culture and Gendered Spaces of Colonists and the Chachi in Ecuador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 43-57.

Faura, N. D. (2014). The puquina Language in the Early Colonial Southern Andes (1548-1610): A Geographical Analysis. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 181-206.

Finn, J. C. (2014). Soundtrack of a Nation: Race, Place, and Music in Modern Brazil. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 67-95.

Formiga, N. (2007). El derecho a la ciudad y la cuestión del espacio público: Experiencias en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 173-196.

Frank, Z., & Berry, W. (2010). The slave market in Rio de Janeiro circa 1869: Context, movement and social experience. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 85-110.

Freeman, J. (2014). Raising the Flag over Rio de Janeiro’s Favelas: Citizenship and Social Control in the Olympic City. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 7-38.

Gade, D. W. (2006). Paraguay 1975: Thinking back on the fieldwork moment. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 31-49.

Gade, D. W. (2010). Sucre, Bolivia, and the Quiddity of Place. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 99-117.

Gade, D. W. (2013). Llamas and Alpacas as” Sheep” in the Colonial Andes: Zoogeography Meets Eurocentrism. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 221-243.

Irazabal, C. (2004). A Planned City Comes of Age: Rethinking Ciudad Guayana Today. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 22-51.

Keeling, D. J. (2004). Latin American development and the globalization imperative: new directions, familiar crises. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 1-21.

Kneas, D. M. (2016). After-Eden: Narratives of Nature, Degradation, and Poverty in Amazonian Discourse. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 33-53.

Lerch, L. (2014). The Geopolitics of Land: Population, Security and Territory Viewed from the International Financing of the Land Survey in Bolivia (1996-2013). Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 137-168.

Longhi, F. (2014). Desnutrición y Muerte en la Niñez argentina en los Albores del Siglo XXI: Un Análisis Espacial. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 41-65.

López-Morales, E. J. (2010). Real Estate market, state-entrepreneurialism and urban policy in the’gentrification by ground rent dispossession’of Santiago de Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 145-173.

MacDonald, K. (2014). Impacts of the Cattle Industry and Road Development in the Rupununi, Guyana. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 159-182.

Marcus, A. P. (2011). Rethinking Brazil’s place within Latin Americanist geography. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 131-149.

Meza, L. E. (2009). Mapuche struggles for land and the role of private protected areas in Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 149-163.

Narins, T. P. (2013). Ecuadorian State-Capacity Building through Territorial Strategic Asset Management. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 35-61.

Offen, K. H. (2003). The territorial turn: Making black territories in Pacific Colombia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 43-73.

Pedlowski, M. A. (2013). When the State Becomes the Land Grabber: Violence and Dispossession in Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 91-111.

Puyo, J. Y. (2008). Mise en valeur de la Guyane française et peuplement blanc: les espoirs déçus du baron de Laussat (1819-1823). Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 177-202.

Radhuber, I. M. (2012). Indigenous Struggles for a Plurinational State: An Analysis of Indigenous Rights and Competences in Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 167-193.

Rainer, G., & Malizia, M. (2014). Los countries en el country. Migración de amenidad, vino de altura y urbanizaciones cerradas en Cafayate (Salta, Argentina). Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 39-66.

Ravuri, E. D. (2002). Life-Time and Recent Migration to Bolívar State, Venezuela, 1990: The Effect of the Guayana Program. Journal of Latin American Geography, 1(1), 93-109.

Read, J. M., Fragoso, J. M., Silvius, K. M., Luzar, J., Overman, H., Cummings, A., Giery, S. T., & de Oliveira, L. F. (2010). Space, place, and hunting patterns among indigenous peoples of the Guyanese Rupununi region. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 213-243.

Salisbury, D. S., Gutiérrez, L. A. A., Alván, C. L. P., & Alvarado, J. W. V. (2010). Fronteras Vivas or Dead Ends? The Impact of Military Settlement Projects in the Amazon Borderlands. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 49-71.

Saludjian, A. (2005). Critiques du Régionalisme Ouvert à partir de l’économie géographique appliquée au Mercosur. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 77-96.

Schroeder, K. (2007). Economic globalization and Bolivia’s regional divide. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 99-120.

Scott, H. V. (2012). The Contested Spaces of the Subterranean: Colonial Governmentality, Mining, and the Mita in Early Spanish Peru. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 7-33.

Skop, E. H., & Peters, P. A. (2007). Socio-spatial segregation in Metropolitan Lima, Peru. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 149-171.

Valenzuela-Aguilera, A., & Monroy-Ortiz, R. (2014). Formal/Informal/Ilegal: Los Tres Circuitos de la Economía Espacial en América Latina. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 117-135.

Vidal-Koppmann, S. (2009). Fragmentación Socio-espacial en la Periferia de la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 79-97.

Warf, B. (2014). Geographies of E-Government in Latin America and the Caribbean. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 169-185.

Warf, B., & Stewart, S. (2016). Latin American Corruption in Geographic Perspective. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 133-155.

White, J. H. (2013). The Drowned Prostitute: National Development, Public Morality, and the Shifting Geography of Sexual Commerce in Alto Paraná, Paraguay, 1974–1982. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 125-149.

Whitson, R. (2007). Beyond the Crisis: Economic globalization and informal work in urban Argentina. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 121-136.

WinklerPrins, A. M., & de Souza, P. S. (2005). Surviving the city: urban home gardens and the economy of affection in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 107-126.

Yarnall, K., & Price, M. (2010). Migration, development and a new rurality in the Valle Alto, Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 107-124.

Human Environment Interactions

Aldrich, S. P., Simmons, C. S., Perz, S. G., Walker, R. T., & Caldas, M. M. (2007). Spatial processes in scalar context: development and security in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 125-148.

Barsky, A. (2006). Problem of access to land for Bolivian horticultural producers in the transitional zone of Western Greater Buenos Aires. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 127-131.

Bebbington, D. H. (2012). Consultation, Compensation and Conflict: Natural Gas Extraction in Weenhayek Territory, Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 49-71.

Bury, J. T. (2002). Livelihoods, mining and peasant protests in the Peruvian Andes. Journal of Latin American Geography, 1(1), 1-19.

Caldas, M. M. & Simmons, C. & Walker, R. & Perz, S. & Aldrich, S. & Pereira, R. & Leite, F. & Arima, E.(2010). Settlement Formation and Land Cover and Land Use Change: A Case Study in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 125-144.

Carter, E. D. (2008). Malaria, landscape, and society in northwest Argentina in the early twentieth century. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 7-38.

Celemín, J. P., & Velázquez, G. Á. (2011). Estimación de un índice de calidad ambiental para la Ciudad y Provincia de Buenos Aires. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 71-84.

Farley, K. A. (2010). Pathways to forest transition: Local case studies from the Ecuadorian Andes. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 7-26.

García, C., Tavera-Escobar, H., Vieira, C., Rincón, C., & Rentería, E. (2014). Fostering Ethno-Territorial Autonomy: A Colombian Case Study of Community-based Conservation of Mangroves. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 117-152.

Gomes, C. V. A., Perz, S. G., & Vadjunec, J. M. (2012). Convergence and Contrasts in the Adoption of Cattle Ranching: Comparisons of Smallholder Agriculturalists and Forest Extractivists in the Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 99-120.

Guyot, S. (2011). The Instrumentalization of Participatory Management in Protected Areas: The ethnicization of participation in the Kolla-Atacameña Region of the Central Andes of Argentina and Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 9-36.

Herrador-Valencia, D., & Paredes, M. (2016). Cambio climático y agricultura de pequeña escala en los Andes ecuatorianos: un estudio sobre percepciones locales y estrategias de adaptación. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 101-121.

Keating, P. L. (2007). Fire ecology and conservation in the high tropical Andes: observations from northern Ecuador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 43-62.

Laue, J. E., & Arima, E. (2016). What Drives Downsizing of Protected Areas?: A Case Study of Amazon National Park. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 7-31.

Lauriola, V. M. (2013). Indigenous Lands, Commons, Juridical Pluralism and Sustainability in Brazil: Lessons from the Indigenous Lands of Raposa Serra do Sol. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 157-185.

Lichtenstein, G. (2013). Guanaco Management in Argentina: Taking a Commons Perspective. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 187-213.

MacDonald, K. (2016). “No Trespassing”: Changing and Contested Rights to Land in the Guyanese Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 59-82.

Messina, J. P., & Cochrane, M. A. (2007). The forests are bleeding: How land use change is creating a new fire regime in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 85-100.

Pellegrini, L., & Arismendi, M. O. R. (2012). Consultation, Compensation and Extraction in Bolivia after the’Left Turn’: The Case of Oil Exploration in the North of La Paz Department. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 103-120.

Perz, S. G., Caldas, M., Walker, R., Arima, E., & Souza, C. (2008). Road networks and forest fragmentation in the Amazon: Explanations for local differences with implications for conservation and development. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 85-104.

Powell, R. L., & Roberts, D. A. (2010). Characterizing urban land-cover change in Rondônia, Brazil: 1985 to 2000. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 183-211.

Reboratti, C. (2012). Socio-environmental Conflict in Argentina. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 3-20.

Robson, J. P., & Lichtenstein, G. (2013). Current Trends in Latin American Commons Research. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 5-31.

Sabelli, A. (2011). A New Solution to a Persistent Problem: Addressing Tropical Deforestation with Carbon Forestry Offset Projects. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 109-129.

Seixas, C. S., de Araujo, L. G., & Piccolo, F. B. (2013). Research and Scholarship on Natural Commons in Brazil. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 135-156.

Simmons, C., Walker, R., Perz, S., Arima, E., Aldrich, S., & Caldas, M. (2016). Spatial Patterns of Frontier Settlement: Balancing Conservation and Development. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 33-58.

Simmons, C. S., Walker, R. T., Wood, C. H., Arima, E., & Cochrane, M. A. (2004). Wildfires in Amazonia: A pilot study examining the role of farming systems, social capital, and fire contagion. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 81-95.

Stackhouse, J. (2009). Urban Land Use and the Entrepreneurial State: A case study of Pudahuel, Santiago Chile during the Military Regime (1973-1989). Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 99-127.

Vadjunec, J. M. (2011). Extracting a livelihood: institutional and social dimensions of deforestation in the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve, Acre, Brazil. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 151-174.

Walsh, S. J., McCleary, A. L., Heumann, B. W., Brewington, L., Raczkowski, E. J., & Mena, C. F. (2010). Community expansion and infrastructure development: implications for human health and environmental quality in the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 137-159.

Watkins, C. (2011). Dendezeiro: African Oil Palm Agroecologies in Bahia, Brazil, and Implications for Development. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 9-33.

Wernke, S. A. (2010). A Reduced Landscape: Toward a Multi-Causal Understanding of Historic Period Agricultural Deintensification in Highland Peru. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 51-83.

Wilcox-Moore, K., Brannstrom, C., Sorice, M. G., & Kreuter, U. P. (2011). The Influence of Socioeconomic Status and Fuelwood Access on Domestic Fuelwood Use in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 195-216.

Physical Geography


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Journal of Latin American Geography 11(1).

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Geographical Implications of Brazil’s Emerging Green Hydrogen Sector
Journal of Latin American Geography 21(1).

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Raising the Flag over Rio de Janeiro's Favelas: Citizenship and Social Control in the Olympic City
Journal of Latin American Geography 13(1).

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Journal of Latin American Geography 3(1).

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Child Migration and Transnationalized Violence in Central and North America
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Leaks: The Politics of Awkward Circulations in Latin America's Geographies of Energy Production
Journal of Latin American Geography 23(3).

188 (2024).
La política (a)científica del presidente de Argentina, Javier Milei
Journal of Latin American Geography 23(2).

128 Doribel Herrador Valencia; Enric Mendizábal Riera; Martí Boada i Juncà (2012).
Participatory Action Research Applied to the Management of Natural Areas: The Case Study of Cinquera in El Salvador
Journal of Latin American Geography 11(1).

120 Martha G. Bell; Jessica Budds; Gabriela Valdivia; Jörn Seemann; John C. Finn; Eugenio Arima (2023).
Contested Conference Locations: Perspectives on the 2024 AAG and CLAG Meetings
Journal of Latin American Geography 22(3).

118 Rogério Haesbaert (2024).
Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves, geografia como verbo: Paixão da terra que, pelos "de baixo", se faz território
Journal of Latin American Geography 23(1).

111 ().
A Geography of Agrarian Structures in Argentina: Productive Models, Socioenvironmental Impacts and Neodevelopmentalism
Journal of Latin American Geography ().

90 Maria Elisa Christie (2002).
Naturaleza y sociedad desde la perspectiva de la cocina tradicional mexicana: género, adaptación y resistencia
Journal of Latin American Geography 1(1).

84 Christian Brannstrom Adryane Gorayeb (2022).
Geographical Implications of Brazil’s Emerging Green Hydrogen Sector
Journal of Latin American Geography 21(1).

64 Karl H. Offen (2004).
The Territorial Turn: Making Black Territories in Pacific Colombia
Journal of Latin American Geography 2(1).

63 Christopher Gaffney; Bruno Eeckels (2020).
Covid-19 and Tourism Risk in the Americas
Journal of Latin American Geography 19(3).

JLAG's Ten Most Popular Articles by Requests in 2025

192 Penelope Anthias; Maria Cariola; Stine Krøijer; Mattias Borg Rasmussen (2024).
Leaks: The Politics of Awkward Circulations in Latin America's Geographies of Energy Production
Journal of Latin American Geography 23(3).

188 (2024).
La política (a)científica del presidente de Argentina, Javier Milei
Journal of Latin American Geography 23(2).

128 Doribel Herrador Valencia; Enric Mendizábal Riera; Martí Boada i Juncà (2012).
Participatory Action Research Applied to the Management of Natural Areas: The Case Study of Cinquera in El Salvador
Journal of Latin American Geography 11(1).

120 Martha G. Bell; Jessica Budds; Gabriela Valdivia; Jörn Seemann; John C. Finn; Eugenio Arima (2023).
Contested Conference Locations: Perspectives on the 2024 AAG and CLAG Meetings
Journal of Latin American Geography 22(3).

118 Rogério Haesbaert (2024).
Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves, geografia como verbo: Paixão da terra que, pelos "de baixo", se faz território
Journal of Latin American Geography 23(1).

111 ().
A Geography of Agrarian Structures in Argentina: Productive Models, Socioenvironmental Impacts and Neodevelopmentalism
Journal of Latin American Geography ().

90 Maria Elisa Christie (2002).
Naturaleza y sociedad desde la perspectiva de la cocina tradicional mexicana: género, adaptación y resistencia
Journal of Latin American Geography 1(1).

84 Christian Brannstrom Adryane Gorayeb (2022).
Geographical Implications of Brazil’s Emerging Green Hydrogen Sector
Journal of Latin American Geography 21(1).

64 Karl H. Offen (2004).
The Territorial Turn: Making Black Territories in Pacific Colombia
Journal of Latin American Geography 2(1).

63 Christopher Gaffney; Bruno Eeckels (2020).
Covid-19 and Tourism Risk in the Americas
Journal of Latin American Geography 19(3).

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Naturaleza y sociedad desde la perspectiva de la cocina tradicional mexicana: género, adaptación y resistencia
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Ancianos amazónicos en la frontera petrolera: La vida y muerte de Nenkihui Bay, líder tradicional Waorani
Journal of Latin American Geography 20(1).

2222 Diana Vela-Almeida; Sofia Zaragocin; Manuel Bayón; Iñigo Arrazola (2020).
Imaginando territorios plurales de vida: una lectura feminista de las resistencias en los movimientos socio-territoriales en el Ecuador
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1877 Diego B. Leal; David S. Salisbury; Josué Faquín Fernández; Lizardo Cauper Pezo; Julio Silva (2015).
Ideas cambiantes sobre territorio, recursos y redes políticas en la Amazonía indígena: un estudio de caso sobre Perú
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Território(s) numa perspectiva latino-americana
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1574 Luciene Cristina Risso; Clerisnaldo Rodrigues de Carvalho (2022).
A exibição de antipolíticas indígenas e ambientais orquestrada pelo governo brasileiro de Bolsonaro
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1424 Joana Salém Vasconcelos (2021).
Cuba, protestos e caminhos da revolução
Journal of Latin American Geography 20(3).

1330 Rogério Haesbaert (2024).
Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves, geografia como verbo: Paixão da terra que, pelos "de baixo", se faz território
Journal of Latin American Geography 23(1).

1135 Laura Sarmiento (2016).
JLAG Perspectives: Vida, Conhecimento e Território: uma geobiografia do Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves
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763 Joseli Maria Silva; Marcio Jose Ornat (2020).
Geografias feministas na América Latina: desafios epistemológicos e a decolonialidade de saberes
Journal of Latin American Geography 19(1).

661 Jessica Budds; Martha G. Bell; John C. Finn; Jörn Seemann; Eugenio Arima; Gabriela Valdivia (2023).
Language, Translation, and the Practice of Decolonizing Academic Publishing / Lengua, traducción y la práctica de la descolonización de las publicaciones académicas / Linguagem, tradução e a prática de descolonização das publicações acadêmicas
Journal of Latin American Geography 22(2).

283 Christian Dennys Monteiro de Oliveira; Fabrício Américo Ribeiro; Ivo Luis Oliveira Silva; Luiz Raphael Teixeira Silva; José Arilson Xavier de Souza; Gerlaine Cristina Franco; Marcos da Silva Rocha; Maryvone Moura Gomes; Camila Benatti (2020).
As organizações religiosas brasileiras frente à pandemia de COVID-19
Journal of Latin American Geography 19(3).

214 Vinicius Santos Almeida (2020).
Necromobilidade durante a pandemia da Covid-19
Journal of Latin American Geography 19(3).

168 Antoinette M.G.A. WinklerPrins (2009).
Cidades da Floresta: Urbanização, Desenvolvimento, e Globalização na Amazônia Brasileira (review)
Journal of Latin American Geography 8(1).