Chairperson of the CLAG Board of Directors
The Chairperson is the chief executive officer of CLAG, presides at meetings of the Board of Directors, is Chairperson of the Executive Committee if such Executive Committee is established, sees that orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect, executes bonds, mortgages, deeds, and other contracts on behalf of CLAG, is ex officio member of all standing committees of the Board, and has the general powers and duties of supervision and management usually vested in the office of president of a corporation, with the exception of those granted the Executive Director. The Chairperson serves for two years.
Vice-Chairperson of the CLAG Board of Directors
The Vice-Chairperson of the Board of Directors is nominated and elected from the Board's membership to serve a two-year term of office. The Vice-Chairperson performs the duties and exercises the powers of the Chairperson in the absence or disability of the Chairperson. Traditionally, the Vice-Chairperson of the Board becomes Chairperson of the Board upon completion of the latter's term of office.
Executive Director of CLAG
The duties of the Executive Director are: 1) to assist in the development of organization goals and priorities; 2) to consult with the Board of Directors on arrangements for the annual meeting and other programs; 3) to establish and/or maintain contacts with other appropriate professional organizations and funding agencies; 4) to provide secretarial and mailing assistance for organization business; 5) to maintain a permanent office to facilitate the flow of communication in the organization; 6) to maintain the stock of organization publications and service orders for them; 7) to serve as a consultant to organization committees; and 8) to file an annual report on activities of the Secretariat with the Board of Directors. The Executive Director serves a three-year renewable term.
CLAG Secretary
The Secretary is an employee of the Board of Directors whose duties are the following: 1) To record the minutes of meetings of the organization and to provide copies of the same to the Webmaster. 2) To provide secretarial support when required by the Chairperson.
CLAG Treasurer
The Treasurer is an employee of the Board of Directors whose duties include 1) to hold organization financial and membership records and oversee the principal bank account; 2) to make payments as requested by the Executive Director or the Chairperson.
Editor, Journal of Latin American Geography
The Editor is an employee of the Board of Directors, whose duties include 1) to generate articles and other essays for publication in the Journal; 2) to ensure publication of the Journal, normally in April and October of each year; 3) to encourage the submission of Special Issue themes for publication in the Journal; 4) to maintain contacts with other related journals; 5) to present an annual report on the Journal at the CLAG annual business meeting.
Communications Coordinator
The position of “Communication Coordinator” was created in 2017 to collapse the former separate jobs of Webmaster, Listserve Manager, Newsletter Editor, and Social media manager. The Coordinator is responsible for maintaining the CLAG website (, producing our twice-yearly newsletter, maintaining/updating our Facebook page, and running the CLAG Twitter feed.