Geographic Research on Latin America: Benchmark 1970




Tom L. Martinson, pp. 1-2

Developments in Brazilian Geography During the Twentieth Century

Kempton E. Webb, pp. 3-10

Population, Migration, & Urbanization

CLAG at Age Twenty


Our Charge for the 1990s

John P. Augelli, pp. 365-368



Tom L. Martinson and Gary S. Elbow, pp. 1-3

CLAG Honors

James J. Parson

Carl L. Johanessen, pp. 4-5

Robert C. West

Peter W. Rees, p. 6

Robert L. Carmin

Peter W. Rees, p. 7

Opening Presentation

Research Methodology


Robert L. Carmin, Tom Martinson & Barry Lentnek, pp. ii-v

Opening Presentation

Aboriginal & Peasant Cultures

Commercial & Primary Activities

Commercial Agriculture

Edmund E. Hagen, Don R. Hoy, and Ernst Griffin, pp. 182-208

Latin America in the 1960s: The Geography of Minerals

Clarence W. Minkel, pp. 209-214

Research on Forests and Man in Latin Americas

Joshua C. Dickinson III, pp. 215-219

Physical Geography

Urban, Transportation & Industrial Geography

Spatial Factors in Development Planning

Mapping Spatial Factors for Development Planning

Richard P. Momsen, Jr., pp. 397-401

Basic Issues in the Process of Development in Latin America

Harold T. Jorgenson, pp. 402-411

Quasi-Economic Political Units in Latin America

Edward Marasciulo, pp. 412-414

Culture, Tourism, & Migration.

Brady, S. (2009). Revisiting a Honduran landscape described by Robert West: An experiment in repeat geography. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 7-27.

Chaney, J. (2012). Malleable Identities: Placing the Garínagu in New Orleans. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 121-144.

Clouser, R. (2009). Remnants of terror: landscapes of fear in post-conflict Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 7-22.

Dunn, M. A., & Smith, D. A. (2011). The Spatial Patterns of Miskitu Hunting in Northeastern Honduras: Lessons for Wildlife Management in Tropical Forests. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 85-108.

Fahrenbruch, M. L., & Cochran Jr, D. M. (2014). Waiting for the Wave: Assessing the Vulnerability of Tourism in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua, to Tsunamis. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 11-35.

Hartmann, C. D. (2012). Uneven Urban Spaces: Accessing Trash in Managua, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 143-163.

Henderson, E., Nolin, C., & Peccerelli, F. (2014). Dignifying a Bare Life and Making Place through Exhumation: Cobán CREOMPAZ Former Military Garrison, Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 97-116.

Huff, L. A. (2006). Sacred sustenance: Maize, storytelling, and a Maya sense of place. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 79-96.

Mack, T. E. (2011). Cultural Maladaptation and Preadaptation in Colonial Honduras: Spaniards vs Black Caribs, 1787-1821. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 177-193.

Miyares, I. M., Wright, R., Mountz, A., Bailey, A. J., & Jonak, J. (2003). The interrupted circle: Truncated transnationalism and the Salvadoran experience. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 74-86.

Otterstrom, S. M. (2008). Nicaraguan migrants in Costa Rica during the 1990s: Gender differences and geographic expansion. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 7-33.

Pedersen, A. (2014). Landscapes of Resistance: Community Opposition to Canadian Mining Operations in Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 187-214.

Runk, J. V. (2012). Indigenous land and environmental conflicts in Panama: Neoliberal multiculturalism, changing legislation, and human rights. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 21-47.

Sampeck, K. E. (2014). Making the Municipio: Political Geographies in Colonial Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 153-179.

Sánchez, L. (2007). Splitting the Country: the case of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 7-23.

Tellman, B., Gray, L. C., & Bacon, C. M. (2011). Not Fair Enough: Historic and Institutional Barriers to Fair Trade Coffee in El Salvador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 107-127.

Warf, B. (2010). Do you know the way to San José? Medical tourism in Costa Rica. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 51-66.

Human Environment Interactions

Alvarado, N. A., & Taylor, M. J. (2014). ¿ Del mar quién es dueño?: Artisanal Fisheries, Tourism Development and the Struggles over Access to Marine Resources in Gigante, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 37-62.

Barrera, L. C., & Aliphat, M. (2006). Cacao, vanilla and annatto: Three production and exchange systems in the southern Maya lowlands, XVI-XVII centuries. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 29-52.

Bass, J. J. (2004). Incidental agroforestry in Honduras: the jícaro tree (Crescentia spp.) and pasture land use. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 67-80.

Basurto, X., & Jiménez-Pérez, I. (2013). Institutional Arrangements for Adaptive Governance of Biodiversity Conservation: The Experience of the Area de Conservación de Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 111-134.

Carr, D. L., & Barbieri, A. F. (2006). Población, tenencia de tierra, uso del suelo, y deforestación en el Parque Nacional Sierra de Lacandon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 97-112.

Cochran, D. M. (2008). Who will work the land? National integration, cash economies, and the future of shifting cultivation in the Honduran Mosquitia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 57-84.

Herrera-Rodríguez, M. (2013). Sustainable Development in Costa Rica: A Geographic Critique. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 193-219.

Lansing, D. (2009). The spaces of social capital: livelihood geographies and marine conservation in the Cayos Cochinos Marine Protected Area, Honduras. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 29-54.

Monterroso, I., & Larson, A. M. (2013). The Dynamic Forest Commons of Central America: New Directions for Research. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 87-110.

Revels, C. S. (2003). Concessions, Conflict, and the Rebirth of the Honduran Mahogany Trade. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 1-17.

Sinreich, L., & Cupples, J. (2014). Collaborating with a Muddy Road and an Ailing Forest: The Construction of Ecological Citizenship in San Francisco Libre, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 63-85.

Spalding, A. K. (2013). Environmental Outcomes of Lifestyle Migration: Land Cover Change and Land Use Transitions in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago in Panama. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 179-202.

Sutton, L., & Restrepo, C. (2013). Natural Hazards, Diverse Economy and Livelihoods in the Sierra de las Minas, Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 137-164.

Valencia, D. H., Riera, E. M., & i Juncà, M. B. (2012). Participatory Action Research Applied to the Management of Natural Areas: The Case Study of Cinquera in El Salvador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 45-65.

vonHedemann, N., Osborne, T. (2016). State Forestry Incentives and Community Stewardship: A Political Ecology of Payments and Compensation for Ecosystem Services in Guatemala’s Highlands. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 83-110.

Culture, Tourism, & Migration

Arciniega, R. S. (2012). Participación de Mujeres en el Mercado Laboral del Estado de México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 121-141.

Bray, D. B. (2013). When the State Supplies the Commons: Origins, Changes, and Design of Mexico’s Common Property Regime. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 33-55.

Burkham, J. M. (2012). The City Will Come to Us: Development Discourse and the New Rurality in Atotonilco El Bajo, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 25-43.

Burkham, J. M. (2014). The End of Migration from Atotonilco El Bajo to Milwaukee: Breakdown of a Transnational Labor Market. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 113-136.

Cabrales Barajas, L. F. (2005). The historic center of Morelia: a case of successful negotiation. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 35-56.

Campuzano, E. P., Tello, C. A., & Everitt, J. C. (2014). Spatial Segregation in a Tourist City: The Case of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 87-112.

Carrión, I. A. D. (2013). ” Nosotras también hacíamos descenso”: Rescatando la participación de las mujeres en el descenso de río con fines turísticos y deportivos en Jalcomulco (Veracruz, México). Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 151-170.

Celis, M. D. P. F., & Villarroel, S. M. O. (2013). La construcción social del espacio y los componentes de la satisfacción en el programa urbano” Bando Dos” en la Ciudad de México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 171-192.

Dixon, S. (2010). Making Mexico More” Latin”: National Identity, Statuary and Heritage in Mexico City’s Monument to Independence. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 119-138.

Driever, S. L. (2013). From Travel to Tourism: Harry Franck’s Writing on Mexico (1916–1940). Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 7-33.

Fernández-Christlieb, F., & Ramírez-Ruiz, M. (2016). El concepto de” paisaje” en lengua castellana: Una hipótesis geográfica de sus equivalencias en la Nueva España de los siglos XVI y XVII. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 79-99.

Gravel, N. (2007). Mexican smallholders adrift: The urgent need for a new social contract in rural Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 77-98.

Hunter, R. (2009). Positionality, perception, and possibility in Mexico’s Valle del Mezquital. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 49-69.

Judkins, G. (2007). Persistence of the US-Mexico border: expansion of medical-tourism amid trade liberalization. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 11-32.

Kelly, J. H., Herlihy, P. H., Smith, D. A., Viera, A. R., Hilburn, A. M., & Cendejas, G. A. H. (2010). Indigenous territoriality at the end of the social property era in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 161-181.

Klooster, D. (2013). The Impact of Trans-National Migration on Commons Management among Mexican Indigenous Communities. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 57-86.

Marr, P., & Sutton, C. (2004). Demographic Changes in the Purépecha Region of Michoacán, Mexico: 1970-2000. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 52-66.

Navarrete, M. (2008). Garment Maquiladoras in Rural Yucatán: An Environmental Tale. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 105-132.

Nelson, L. (2006). Artesanía, mobility and the crafting of indigenous identities among Purhépechan women in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography,5(1), 51-77.

Puyo, J. Y. (2010). The French Military Confront Mexico’s Geography: the Expedition of 1862-67. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 139-157.

Radel, C., & Schmook, B. (2008). Male transnational migration and its linkages to land-use change in a southern Campeche ejido. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 59-84.

Salinas, R. I. G. (2012). Mexico City’s Symbolic Geography: The Processions of Our Lady of Remedios. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 145-173.

Sertzen, P. K., & Torres, R. M. (2016). Dibujando el” Otro Lado”: Mexican Children’s Perceptions of Migration to the United States. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 55-77.

Sizzo, I. A. (2013). Colonial y animado: percepción del Centro Histórico de Morelia entre los residentes de la ciudad. Journal of Latin American Geography,12(3), 113-135.

Slack, J., Martínez, D. E., Lee, A. E., & Whiteford, S. (2016). The Geography of Border Militarization: Violence, Death and Health in Mexico and the United States. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 7-32.

Smith, L. C. (2006). Mobilizing Indigenous Video: the Mexican Case. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 113-128.

Soto, V., & Banister, J. M. (2016). Building Cities, Constructing Citizens: Sustainable Rural Cities in Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 111-131.

Taylor, M. J. (2008). The Mesquite Economy in the Mexican-American Borderlands. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 133-149.

Verduzco, B. (2008). Explaining Variations in Environmental Activism on the United State-Mexico Border. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 151-175.

Walker, M. A. (2014). ‘Everybody Wants to Avoid Mexico’: NGOs and Border Geographies. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 137-158.

Warf, B. (2009). Diverse spatialities of the Latin American and Caribbean internet. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 125-145.

Warf, B. (2014). Geographies of E-Government in Latin America and the Caribbean. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 169-185.

Wohlgemuth, N. H. M. (2014). Alternatives to Rural Development: Organic Agriculture and Indigenous Communities in Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 67-88.

Human Environment Interactions

Aguilar Robledo, M. (2004). Formation of the Miraflores Hacienda: Lands, Indians, and livestock in eastern New Spain at the end of the sixteenth century. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 87-110.

Aguilar, A. G., & López, F. M. (2009). Water Insecurity among the urban poor in the peri-urban zone of Xochimilco, México City. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 97-123.

Barrera-Bassols, N., & Toledo, V. M. (2005). Ethnoecology of the Yucatec Maya: symbolism, knowledge and management of natural resources. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 9-41.

Brenner, L., & Job, H. (2006). Actor-Management of Protected Areas and Ecotourism in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 7-27.

Camacho, X. C., Pérez, O. R., Martínez, J. F., & Robledo, M. A. (2014). Distribución Espacial de la Biodiversidad en el Estado de San Luis Potosí, México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 11-39.

Christie, M. E. (2007). Naturaleza y sociedad desde la perspectiva de la cocina tradicional Mexicana: Género, adaptación y resistencia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 1(1), 21-54.

Enrico, A., Brehm, K., Teachout, A., Morgan, E., Kiendl, C., Vasquez, K., & Biles, J. J. (2007). Globalization of food retailing and transformation of supply networks: Consequences for small-scale agricultural producers in southeastern Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 55-75.

Fry, M. (2008). Mexico’s concrete block landscape: A modern legacy in the vernacular. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 35-58.

Garibay, C., Boni, A., Panico, F., Urquijo, P., & Klooster, D. (2011). Unequal partners, unequal exchange: Goldcorp, the Mexican State, and Campesino dispossession at the Peñasquito goldmine. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 153-176.

Garza Merodio, G. G. (2006). Technological innovation and the expansion of Mexico City, 1870-1920. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 109-126.

Harner, J. (2007). Globalization of food retailing in Guadalajara, Mexico: Changes in access equity and social engagement. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 33-53.

Hausermann, H., & Eakin, H. (2008). Producing” viable” landscapes and livelihoods in central Veracruz, Mexico: institutional and producer responses to the coffee commodity crisis. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 109-131.

Isaac-Márquez, R., Valladares, J. L. S., Spencer, A. E., Arcipreste, M. E. A., Aguilar, M. A. A., Márquez, A. P. I., & González, M. C. S. (2016). Impactos Sociales y Ambientales de la Palma de Aceite: Perspectiva de los Campesinos en Campeche, México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 123-146.

Keleman, A., & Hellin, J. (2009). Specialty maize varieties in Mexico: a case study in market-driven agro-biodiversity conservation. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 147-174.

LaFevor, M. C. (2012). Sulphur Mining on Mexico’s Popocatépetl Volcano (1820–1920): Origins, Development, and Human-Environmental Challenges. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 79-98.

Lerner, A. M., & Appendini, K. (2011). Dimensions of peri-urban maize production in the toluca-atlacomulco valley, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 87-106.

López, J. F. (2012). “In the Art of My Profession”: Adrian Boot and Dutch Water Management in Colonial Mexico City. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 35-60.

McAfee, K. (2003). Corn culture and dangerous DNA: Real and imagined consequences of maize transgene flow in Oaxaca. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 18-42.

Myint, S. W., Jain, J., & Guhathakurta, S. (2010). Patterns and Rates of Land Use Land Cover Change: A Case Study of Ambos Nogales (Arizona and Sonora), 1985-2004. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 245-274.

Perevochtchikova, M., & de la Torre, J. L. L. (2010). Causas de un desastre: Inundaciones del 2007 en Tabasco, México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 73-98.

Perramond, E. P. (2005). The politics of ecology: local knowledge and wild chili collection in Sonora, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 59-75.

Radel, C. (2005). Women’s community-based organizations, conservation projects, and effective land control in southern Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 7-34.

Roy Chowdhury, R., & Keys, E. (2006). Cash crops, smallholder decision-making and institutional interactions in a closing frontier: Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 75-90.

Sánchez, A. T., & Perevochtchikova, M. (2012). La gestión del agua y el desarrollo de indicadores ambientales en México y Canadá: un análisis comparativo. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 145-165.

Schneider, L. C. (2006). Invasive species and land-use: the effect of land management practices on bracken fern invasion in the region of Calakmul, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 92-107.

Smith, D. A., Herlihy, P. H., Kelly, J. H., & Viera, A. R. (2009). The certification and privatization of indigenous lands in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 175-207.

Urquijo, P. S., & Bocco, G. (2011). Los estudios de paisaje y su importancia en México, 1970-2010. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 37-63.

Culture, Tourism, & Migration

Aldrich, S. P. (2012). Contested Groves: Forest Reserves and Land Conflict in the Eastern Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 73-101.

Angel, M. H. (2006). Las bases prehispánicas de la configuración territorial de la Provincia de Popayán en el periodo colonial. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 53-73.

Angel, M. H., Arbeláez, S. M., & Cisneros, S. P. (2012). Geographies of the Name: Naming Practices among the Muisca and Páez in the Audiencias of Santafé and Quito, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 91-115.

Azócar, G., Sanhueza, R., Aguayo, M., Romero, H., & Muñoz, M. D. (2005). Conflicts for control of Mapuche-Pehuenche land and natural resources in the Biobío highlands, Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 57-76.

Bockelman, B. (2012). Along the Waterfront: Alejandro Malaspina, Fernando Brambila, and the Invention of the Buenos Aires Cityscape, 1789-1809. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 61-88.

Buzai, G. D. (2013). Technological Dependency and the Internet: Latin American Access from Buenos Aires, 2001–2013. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 165-177.

Buzai, G. D., & Marcos, M. (2012). The Social Map of Greater Buenos Aires as Empirical Evidence of Urban Models. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 67-78.

Conway-Gómez, K. (2008). Market integration, perceived wealth and household consumption of river turtles (Podocnemis spp.) in eastern lowland Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 85-108.

Corby, J. H. K. (2010). For Members and Markets: Neoliberalism and Cooperativism in Mendoza’s Wine Industry. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 27-47.

Cowie, H. (2011). A Creole in Paris and a Spaniard in Paraguay: Geographies of Natural History in the Hispanic World (1750-1808). Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 175-197.

de Carvalho Dumith, R. (2014). Dinâmicas do sistema de gestão na Reserva Extrativista de Canavieiras, Bahia, Brasil: análise da robustez institucional. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 89-116.

Denevan, W. M. (2014). Estimating Amazonian Indian Numbers in 1492. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 207-221.

Denevan, W. M. (2012). Rewriting the Late Pre-European History of Amazonia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 9-24.

Driever, S. L. (2011). Geographic Narratives in the South American Travelogues of Harry A. Franck: 1917-1943. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 53-69.

Fadiman, M. G. (2005). Cultivated Food Plants: Culture and Gendered Spaces of Colonists and the Chachi in Ecuador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 43-57.

Faura, N. D. (2014). The puquina Language in the Early Colonial Southern Andes (1548-1610): A Geographical Analysis. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 181-206.

Finn, J. C. (2014). Soundtrack of a Nation: Race, Place, and Music in Modern Brazil. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 67-95.

Formiga, N. (2007). El derecho a la ciudad y la cuestión del espacio público: Experiencias en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 173-196.

Frank, Z., & Berry, W. (2010). The slave market in Rio de Janeiro circa 1869: Context, movement and social experience. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 85-110.

Freeman, J. (2014). Raising the Flag over Rio de Janeiro’s Favelas: Citizenship and Social Control in the Olympic City. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 7-38.

Gade, D. W. (2006). Paraguay 1975: Thinking back on the fieldwork moment. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 31-49.

Gade, D. W. (2010). Sucre, Bolivia, and the Quiddity of Place. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 99-117.

Gade, D. W. (2013). Llamas and Alpacas as” Sheep” in the Colonial Andes: Zoogeography Meets Eurocentrism. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 221-243.

Irazabal, C. (2004). A Planned City Comes of Age: Rethinking Ciudad Guayana Today. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 22-51.

Keeling, D. J. (2004). Latin American development and the globalization imperative: new directions, familiar crises. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 1-21.

Kneas, D. M. (2016). After-Eden: Narratives of Nature, Degradation, and Poverty in Amazonian Discourse. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 33-53.

Lerch, L. (2014). The Geopolitics of Land: Population, Security and Territory Viewed from the International Financing of the Land Survey in Bolivia (1996-2013). Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 137-168.

Longhi, F. (2014). Desnutrición y Muerte en la Niñez argentina en los Albores del Siglo XXI: Un Análisis Espacial. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 41-65.

López-Morales, E. J. (2010). Real Estate market, state-entrepreneurialism and urban policy in the’gentrification by ground rent dispossession’of Santiago de Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 145-173.

MacDonald, K. (2014). Impacts of the Cattle Industry and Road Development in the Rupununi, Guyana. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 159-182.

Marcus, A. P. (2011). Rethinking Brazil’s place within Latin Americanist geography. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 131-149.

Meza, L. E. (2009). Mapuche struggles for land and the role of private protected areas in Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 149-163.

Narins, T. P. (2013). Ecuadorian State-Capacity Building through Territorial Strategic Asset Management. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 35-61.

Offen, K. H. (2003). The territorial turn: Making black territories in Pacific Colombia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 43-73.

Pedlowski, M. A. (2013). When the State Becomes the Land Grabber: Violence and Dispossession in Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 91-111.

Puyo, J. Y. (2008). Mise en valeur de la Guyane française et peuplement blanc: les espoirs déçus du baron de Laussat (1819-1823). Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 177-202.

Radhuber, I. M. (2012). Indigenous Struggles for a Plurinational State: An Analysis of Indigenous Rights and Competences in Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 167-193.

Rainer, G., & Malizia, M. (2014). Los countries en el country. Migración de amenidad, vino de altura y urbanizaciones cerradas en Cafayate (Salta, Argentina). Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 39-66.

Ravuri, E. D. (2002). Life-Time and Recent Migration to Bolívar State, Venezuela, 1990: The Effect of the Guayana Program. Journal of Latin American Geography, 1(1), 93-109.

Read, J. M., Fragoso, J. M., Silvius, K. M., Luzar, J., Overman, H., Cummings, A., Giery, S. T., & de Oliveira, L. F. (2010). Space, place, and hunting patterns among indigenous peoples of the Guyanese Rupununi region. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 213-243.

Salisbury, D. S., Gutiérrez, L. A. A., Alván, C. L. P., & Alvarado, J. W. V. (2010). Fronteras Vivas or Dead Ends? The Impact of Military Settlement Projects in the Amazon Borderlands. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 49-71.

Saludjian, A. (2005). Critiques du Régionalisme Ouvert à partir de l’économie géographique appliquée au Mercosur. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 77-96.

Schroeder, K. (2007). Economic globalization and Bolivia’s regional divide. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 99-120.

Scott, H. V. (2012). The Contested Spaces of the Subterranean: Colonial Governmentality, Mining, and the Mita in Early Spanish Peru. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 7-33.

Skop, E. H., & Peters, P. A. (2007). Socio-spatial segregation in Metropolitan Lima, Peru. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 149-171.

Valenzuela-Aguilera, A., & Monroy-Ortiz, R. (2014). Formal/Informal/Ilegal: Los Tres Circuitos de la Economía Espacial en América Latina. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 117-135.

Vidal-Koppmann, S. (2009). Fragmentación Socio-espacial en la Periferia de la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 79-97.

Warf, B. (2014). Geographies of E-Government in Latin America and the Caribbean. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 169-185.

Warf, B., & Stewart, S. (2016). Latin American Corruption in Geographic Perspective. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 133-155.

White, J. H. (2013). The Drowned Prostitute: National Development, Public Morality, and the Shifting Geography of Sexual Commerce in Alto Paraná, Paraguay, 1974–1982. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 125-149.

Whitson, R. (2007). Beyond the Crisis: Economic globalization and informal work in urban Argentina. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 121-136.

WinklerPrins, A. M., & de Souza, P. S. (2005). Surviving the city: urban home gardens and the economy of affection in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 107-126.

Yarnall, K., & Price, M. (2010). Migration, development and a new rurality in the Valle Alto, Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 107-124.

Human Environment Interactions

Aldrich, S. P., Simmons, C. S., Perz, S. G., Walker, R. T., & Caldas, M. M. (2007). Spatial processes in scalar context: development and security in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 125-148.

Barsky, A. (2006). Problem of access to land for Bolivian horticultural producers in the transitional zone of Western Greater Buenos Aires. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 127-131.

Bebbington, D. H. (2012). Consultation, Compensation and Conflict: Natural Gas Extraction in Weenhayek Territory, Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 49-71.

Bury, J. T. (2002). Livelihoods, mining and peasant protests in the Peruvian Andes. Journal of Latin American Geography, 1(1), 1-19.

Caldas, M. M. & Simmons, C. & Walker, R. & Perz, S. & Aldrich, S. & Pereira, R. & Leite, F. & Arima, E.(2010). Settlement Formation and Land Cover and Land Use Change: A Case Study in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 125-144.

Carter, E. D. (2008). Malaria, landscape, and society in northwest Argentina in the early twentieth century. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 7-38.

Celemín, J. P., & Velázquez, G. Á. (2011). Estimación de un índice de calidad ambiental para la Ciudad y Provincia de Buenos Aires. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 71-84.

Farley, K. A. (2010). Pathways to forest transition: Local case studies from the Ecuadorian Andes. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 7-26.

García, C., Tavera-Escobar, H., Vieira, C., Rincón, C., & Rentería, E. (2014). Fostering Ethno-Territorial Autonomy: A Colombian Case Study of Community-based Conservation of Mangroves. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 117-152.

Gomes, C. V. A., Perz, S. G., & Vadjunec, J. M. (2012). Convergence and Contrasts in the Adoption of Cattle Ranching: Comparisons of Smallholder Agriculturalists and Forest Extractivists in the Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 99-120.

Guyot, S. (2011). The Instrumentalization of Participatory Management in Protected Areas: The ethnicization of participation in the Kolla-Atacameña Region of the Central Andes of Argentina and Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 9-36.

Herrador-Valencia, D., & Paredes, M. (2016). Cambio climático y agricultura de pequeña escala en los Andes ecuatorianos: un estudio sobre percepciones locales y estrategias de adaptación. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 101-121.

Keating, P. L. (2007). Fire ecology and conservation in the high tropical Andes: observations from northern Ecuador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 43-62.

Laue, J. E., & Arima, E. (2016). What Drives Downsizing of Protected Areas?: A Case Study of Amazon National Park. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 7-31.

Lauriola, V. M. (2013). Indigenous Lands, Commons, Juridical Pluralism and Sustainability in Brazil: Lessons from the Indigenous Lands of Raposa Serra do Sol. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 157-185.

Lichtenstein, G. (2013). Guanaco Management in Argentina: Taking a Commons Perspective. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 187-213.

MacDonald, K. (2016). “No Trespassing”: Changing and Contested Rights to Land in the Guyanese Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 59-82.

Messina, J. P., & Cochrane, M. A. (2007). The forests are bleeding: How land use change is creating a new fire regime in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 85-100.

Pellegrini, L., & Arismendi, M. O. R. (2012). Consultation, Compensation and Extraction in Bolivia after the’Left Turn’: The Case of Oil Exploration in the North of La Paz Department. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 103-120.

Perz, S. G., Caldas, M., Walker, R., Arima, E., & Souza, C. (2008). Road networks and forest fragmentation in the Amazon: Explanations for local differences with implications for conservation and development. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 85-104.

Powell, R. L., & Roberts, D. A. (2010). Characterizing urban land-cover change in Rondônia, Brazil: 1985 to 2000. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 183-211.

Reboratti, C. (2012). Socio-environmental Conflict in Argentina. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 3-20.

Robson, J. P., & Lichtenstein, G. (2013). Current Trends in Latin American Commons Research. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 5-31.

Sabelli, A. (2011). A New Solution to a Persistent Problem: Addressing Tropical Deforestation with Carbon Forestry Offset Projects. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 109-129.

Seixas, C. S., de Araujo, L. G., & Piccolo, F. B. (2013). Research and Scholarship on Natural Commons in Brazil. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 135-156.

Simmons, C., Walker, R., Perz, S., Arima, E., Aldrich, S., & Caldas, M. (2016). Spatial Patterns of Frontier Settlement: Balancing Conservation and Development. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 33-58.

Simmons, C. S., Walker, R. T., Wood, C. H., Arima, E., & Cochrane, M. A. (2004). Wildfires in Amazonia: A pilot study examining the role of farming systems, social capital, and fire contagion. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 81-95.

Stackhouse, J. (2009). Urban Land Use and the Entrepreneurial State: A case study of Pudahuel, Santiago Chile during the Military Regime (1973-1989). Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 99-127.

Vadjunec, J. M. (2011). Extracting a livelihood: institutional and social dimensions of deforestation in the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve, Acre, Brazil. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 151-174.

Walsh, S. J., McCleary, A. L., Heumann, B. W., Brewington, L., Raczkowski, E. J., & Mena, C. F. (2010). Community expansion and infrastructure development: implications for human health and environmental quality in the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 137-159.

Watkins, C. (2011). Dendezeiro: African Oil Palm Agroecologies in Bahia, Brazil, and Implications for Development. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 9-33.

Wernke, S. A. (2010). A Reduced Landscape: Toward a Multi-Causal Understanding of Historic Period Agricultural Deintensification in Highland Peru. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 51-83.

Wilcox-Moore, K., Brannstrom, C., Sorice, M. G., & Kreuter, U. P. (2011). The Influence of Socioeconomic Status and Fuelwood Access on Domestic Fuelwood Use in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 195-216.

Physical Geography



Tom L. Martinson, pp. 1-2

Developments in Brazilian Geography During the Twentieth Century

Kempton E. Webb, pp. 3-10

Population, Migration, & Urbanization

CLAG at Age Twenty


Our Charge for the 1990s

John P. Augelli, pp. 365-368



Tom L. Martinson and Gary S. Elbow, pp. 1-3

CLAG Honors

James J. Parson

Carl L. Johanessen, pp. 4-5

Robert C. West

Peter W. Rees, p. 6

Robert L. Carmin

Peter W. Rees, p. 7

Opening Presentation

Research Methodology


Robert L. Carmin, Tom Martinson & Barry Lentnek, pp. ii-v

Opening Presentation

Aboriginal & Peasant Cultures

Commercial & Primary Activities

Commercial Agriculture

Edmund E. Hagen, Don R. Hoy, and Ernst Griffin, pp. 182-208

Latin America in the 1960s: The Geography of Minerals

Clarence W. Minkel, pp. 209-214

Research on Forests and Man in Latin Americas

Joshua C. Dickinson III, pp. 215-219

Physical Geography

Urban, Transportation & Industrial Geography

Spatial Factors in Development Planning

Mapping Spatial Factors for Development Planning

Richard P. Momsen, Jr., pp. 397-401

Basic Issues in the Process of Development in Latin America

Harold T. Jorgenson, pp. 402-411

Quasi-Economic Political Units in Latin America

Edward Marasciulo, pp. 412-414

Culture, Tourism, & Migration.

Brady, S. (2009). Revisiting a Honduran landscape described by Robert West: An experiment in repeat geography. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 7-27.

Chaney, J. (2012). Malleable Identities: Placing the Garínagu in New Orleans. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 121-144.

Clouser, R. (2009). Remnants of terror: landscapes of fear in post-conflict Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 7-22.

Dunn, M. A., & Smith, D. A. (2011). The Spatial Patterns of Miskitu Hunting in Northeastern Honduras: Lessons for Wildlife Management in Tropical Forests. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 85-108.

Fahrenbruch, M. L., & Cochran Jr, D. M. (2014). Waiting for the Wave: Assessing the Vulnerability of Tourism in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua, to Tsunamis. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 11-35.

Hartmann, C. D. (2012). Uneven Urban Spaces: Accessing Trash in Managua, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 143-163.

Henderson, E., Nolin, C., & Peccerelli, F. (2014). Dignifying a Bare Life and Making Place through Exhumation: Cobán CREOMPAZ Former Military Garrison, Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 97-116.

Huff, L. A. (2006). Sacred sustenance: Maize, storytelling, and a Maya sense of place. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 79-96.

Mack, T. E. (2011). Cultural Maladaptation and Preadaptation in Colonial Honduras: Spaniards vs Black Caribs, 1787-1821. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 177-193.

Miyares, I. M., Wright, R., Mountz, A., Bailey, A. J., & Jonak, J. (2003). The interrupted circle: Truncated transnationalism and the Salvadoran experience. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 74-86.

Otterstrom, S. M. (2008). Nicaraguan migrants in Costa Rica during the 1990s: Gender differences and geographic expansion. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 7-33.

Pedersen, A. (2014). Landscapes of Resistance: Community Opposition to Canadian Mining Operations in Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 187-214.

Runk, J. V. (2012). Indigenous land and environmental conflicts in Panama: Neoliberal multiculturalism, changing legislation, and human rights. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 21-47.

Sampeck, K. E. (2014). Making the Municipio: Political Geographies in Colonial Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 153-179.

Sánchez, L. (2007). Splitting the Country: the case of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 7-23.

Tellman, B., Gray, L. C., & Bacon, C. M. (2011). Not Fair Enough: Historic and Institutional Barriers to Fair Trade Coffee in El Salvador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 107-127.

Warf, B. (2010). Do you know the way to San José? Medical tourism in Costa Rica. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 51-66.

Human Environment Interactions

Alvarado, N. A., & Taylor, M. J. (2014). ¿ Del mar quién es dueño?: Artisanal Fisheries, Tourism Development and the Struggles over Access to Marine Resources in Gigante, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 37-62.

Barrera, L. C., & Aliphat, M. (2006). Cacao, vanilla and annatto: Three production and exchange systems in the southern Maya lowlands, XVI-XVII centuries. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 29-52.

Bass, J. J. (2004). Incidental agroforestry in Honduras: the jícaro tree (Crescentia spp.) and pasture land use. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 67-80.

Basurto, X., & Jiménez-Pérez, I. (2013). Institutional Arrangements for Adaptive Governance of Biodiversity Conservation: The Experience of the Area de Conservación de Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 111-134.

Carr, D. L., & Barbieri, A. F. (2006). Población, tenencia de tierra, uso del suelo, y deforestación en el Parque Nacional Sierra de Lacandon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 97-112.

Cochran, D. M. (2008). Who will work the land? National integration, cash economies, and the future of shifting cultivation in the Honduran Mosquitia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 57-84.

Herrera-Rodríguez, M. (2013). Sustainable Development in Costa Rica: A Geographic Critique. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 193-219.

Lansing, D. (2009). The spaces of social capital: livelihood geographies and marine conservation in the Cayos Cochinos Marine Protected Area, Honduras. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 29-54.

Monterroso, I., & Larson, A. M. (2013). The Dynamic Forest Commons of Central America: New Directions for Research. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 87-110.

Revels, C. S. (2003). Concessions, Conflict, and the Rebirth of the Honduran Mahogany Trade. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 1-17.

Sinreich, L., & Cupples, J. (2014). Collaborating with a Muddy Road and an Ailing Forest: The Construction of Ecological Citizenship in San Francisco Libre, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 63-85.

Spalding, A. K. (2013). Environmental Outcomes of Lifestyle Migration: Land Cover Change and Land Use Transitions in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago in Panama. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 179-202.

Sutton, L., & Restrepo, C. (2013). Natural Hazards, Diverse Economy and Livelihoods in the Sierra de las Minas, Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 137-164.

Valencia, D. H., Riera, E. M., & i Juncà, M. B. (2012). Participatory Action Research Applied to the Management of Natural Areas: The Case Study of Cinquera in El Salvador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 45-65.

vonHedemann, N., Osborne, T. (2016). State Forestry Incentives and Community Stewardship: A Political Ecology of Payments and Compensation for Ecosystem Services in Guatemala’s Highlands. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 83-110.

Culture, Tourism, & Migration

Arciniega, R. S. (2012). Participación de Mujeres en el Mercado Laboral del Estado de México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 121-141.

Bray, D. B. (2013). When the State Supplies the Commons: Origins, Changes, and Design of Mexico’s Common Property Regime. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 33-55.

Burkham, J. M. (2012). The City Will Come to Us: Development Discourse and the New Rurality in Atotonilco El Bajo, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 25-43.

Burkham, J. M. (2014). The End of Migration from Atotonilco El Bajo to Milwaukee: Breakdown of a Transnational Labor Market. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 113-136.

Cabrales Barajas, L. F. (2005). The historic center of Morelia: a case of successful negotiation. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 35-56.

Campuzano, E. P., Tello, C. A., & Everitt, J. C. (2014). Spatial Segregation in a Tourist City: The Case of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 87-112.

Carrión, I. A. D. (2013). ” Nosotras también hacíamos descenso”: Rescatando la participación de las mujeres en el descenso de río con fines turísticos y deportivos en Jalcomulco (Veracruz, México). Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 151-170.

Celis, M. D. P. F., & Villarroel, S. M. O. (2013). La construcción social del espacio y los componentes de la satisfacción en el programa urbano” Bando Dos” en la Ciudad de México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 171-192.

Dixon, S. (2010). Making Mexico More” Latin”: National Identity, Statuary and Heritage in Mexico City’s Monument to Independence. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 119-138.

Driever, S. L. (2013). From Travel to Tourism: Harry Franck’s Writing on Mexico (1916–1940). Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 7-33.

Fernández-Christlieb, F., & Ramírez-Ruiz, M. (2016). El concepto de” paisaje” en lengua castellana: Una hipótesis geográfica de sus equivalencias en la Nueva España de los siglos XVI y XVII. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 79-99.

Gravel, N. (2007). Mexican smallholders adrift: The urgent need for a new social contract in rural Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 77-98.

Hunter, R. (2009). Positionality, perception, and possibility in Mexico’s Valle del Mezquital. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 49-69.

Judkins, G. (2007). Persistence of the US-Mexico border: expansion of medical-tourism amid trade liberalization. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 11-32.

Kelly, J. H., Herlihy, P. H., Smith, D. A., Viera, A. R., Hilburn, A. M., & Cendejas, G. A. H. (2010). Indigenous territoriality at the end of the social property era in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 161-181.

Klooster, D. (2013). The Impact of Trans-National Migration on Commons Management among Mexican Indigenous Communities. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 57-86.

Marr, P., & Sutton, C. (2004). Demographic Changes in the Purépecha Region of Michoacán, Mexico: 1970-2000. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 52-66.

Navarrete, M. (2008). Garment Maquiladoras in Rural Yucatán: An Environmental Tale. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 105-132.

Nelson, L. (2006). Artesanía, mobility and the crafting of indigenous identities among Purhépechan women in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography,5(1), 51-77.

Puyo, J. Y. (2010). The French Military Confront Mexico’s Geography: the Expedition of 1862-67. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 139-157.

Radel, C., & Schmook, B. (2008). Male transnational migration and its linkages to land-use change in a southern Campeche ejido. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 59-84.

Salinas, R. I. G. (2012). Mexico City’s Symbolic Geography: The Processions of Our Lady of Remedios. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 145-173.

Sertzen, P. K., & Torres, R. M. (2016). Dibujando el” Otro Lado”: Mexican Children’s Perceptions of Migration to the United States. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 55-77.

Sizzo, I. A. (2013). Colonial y animado: percepción del Centro Histórico de Morelia entre los residentes de la ciudad. Journal of Latin American Geography,12(3), 113-135.

Slack, J., Martínez, D. E., Lee, A. E., & Whiteford, S. (2016). The Geography of Border Militarization: Violence, Death and Health in Mexico and the United States. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 7-32.

Smith, L. C. (2006). Mobilizing Indigenous Video: the Mexican Case. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 113-128.

Soto, V., & Banister, J. M. (2016). Building Cities, Constructing Citizens: Sustainable Rural Cities in Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 111-131.

Taylor, M. J. (2008). The Mesquite Economy in the Mexican-American Borderlands. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 133-149.

Verduzco, B. (2008). Explaining Variations in Environmental Activism on the United State-Mexico Border. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 151-175.

Walker, M. A. (2014). ‘Everybody Wants to Avoid Mexico’: NGOs and Border Geographies. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 137-158.

Warf, B. (2009). Diverse spatialities of the Latin American and Caribbean internet. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 125-145.

Warf, B. (2014). Geographies of E-Government in Latin America and the Caribbean. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 169-185.

Wohlgemuth, N. H. M. (2014). Alternatives to Rural Development: Organic Agriculture and Indigenous Communities in Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 67-88.

Human Environment Interactions

Aguilar Robledo, M. (2004). Formation of the Miraflores Hacienda: Lands, Indians, and livestock in eastern New Spain at the end of the sixteenth century. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 87-110.

Aguilar, A. G., & López, F. M. (2009). Water Insecurity among the urban poor in the peri-urban zone of Xochimilco, México City. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 97-123.

Barrera-Bassols, N., & Toledo, V. M. (2005). Ethnoecology of the Yucatec Maya: symbolism, knowledge and management of natural resources. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 9-41.

Brenner, L., & Job, H. (2006). Actor-Management of Protected Areas and Ecotourism in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 7-27.

Camacho, X. C., Pérez, O. R., Martínez, J. F., & Robledo, M. A. (2014). Distribución Espacial de la Biodiversidad en el Estado de San Luis Potosí, México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 11-39.

Christie, M. E. (2007). Naturaleza y sociedad desde la perspectiva de la cocina tradicional Mexicana: Género, adaptación y resistencia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 1(1), 21-54.

Enrico, A., Brehm, K., Teachout, A., Morgan, E., Kiendl, C., Vasquez, K., & Biles, J. J. (2007). Globalization of food retailing and transformation of supply networks: Consequences for small-scale agricultural producers in southeastern Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 55-75.

Fry, M. (2008). Mexico’s concrete block landscape: A modern legacy in the vernacular. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 35-58.

Garibay, C., Boni, A., Panico, F., Urquijo, P., & Klooster, D. (2011). Unequal partners, unequal exchange: Goldcorp, the Mexican State, and Campesino dispossession at the Peñasquito goldmine. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 153-176.

Garza Merodio, G. G. (2006). Technological innovation and the expansion of Mexico City, 1870-1920. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 109-126.

Harner, J. (2007). Globalization of food retailing in Guadalajara, Mexico: Changes in access equity and social engagement. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 33-53.

Hausermann, H., & Eakin, H. (2008). Producing” viable” landscapes and livelihoods in central Veracruz, Mexico: institutional and producer responses to the coffee commodity crisis. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 109-131.

Isaac-Márquez, R., Valladares, J. L. S., Spencer, A. E., Arcipreste, M. E. A., Aguilar, M. A. A., Márquez, A. P. I., & González, M. C. S. (2016). Impactos Sociales y Ambientales de la Palma de Aceite: Perspectiva de los Campesinos en Campeche, México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 123-146.

Keleman, A., & Hellin, J. (2009). Specialty maize varieties in Mexico: a case study in market-driven agro-biodiversity conservation. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 147-174.

LaFevor, M. C. (2012). Sulphur Mining on Mexico’s Popocatépetl Volcano (1820–1920): Origins, Development, and Human-Environmental Challenges. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 79-98.

Lerner, A. M., & Appendini, K. (2011). Dimensions of peri-urban maize production in the toluca-atlacomulco valley, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 87-106.

López, J. F. (2012). “In the Art of My Profession”: Adrian Boot and Dutch Water Management in Colonial Mexico City. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 35-60.

McAfee, K. (2003). Corn culture and dangerous DNA: Real and imagined consequences of maize transgene flow in Oaxaca. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 18-42.

Myint, S. W., Jain, J., & Guhathakurta, S. (2010). Patterns and Rates of Land Use Land Cover Change: A Case Study of Ambos Nogales (Arizona and Sonora), 1985-2004. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 245-274.

Perevochtchikova, M., & de la Torre, J. L. L. (2010). Causas de un desastre: Inundaciones del 2007 en Tabasco, México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 73-98.

Perramond, E. P. (2005). The politics of ecology: local knowledge and wild chili collection in Sonora, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 59-75.

Radel, C. (2005). Women’s community-based organizations, conservation projects, and effective land control in southern Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 7-34.

Roy Chowdhury, R., & Keys, E. (2006). Cash crops, smallholder decision-making and institutional interactions in a closing frontier: Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 75-90.

Sánchez, A. T., & Perevochtchikova, M. (2012). La gestión del agua y el desarrollo de indicadores ambientales en México y Canadá: un análisis comparativo. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 145-165.

Schneider, L. C. (2006). Invasive species and land-use: the effect of land management practices on bracken fern invasion in the region of Calakmul, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 92-107.

Smith, D. A., Herlihy, P. H., Kelly, J. H., & Viera, A. R. (2009). The certification and privatization of indigenous lands in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 175-207.

Urquijo, P. S., & Bocco, G. (2011). Los estudios de paisaje y su importancia en México, 1970-2010. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 37-63.

Culture, Tourism, & Migration

Aldrich, S. P. (2012). Contested Groves: Forest Reserves and Land Conflict in the Eastern Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 73-101.

Angel, M. H. (2006). Las bases prehispánicas de la configuración territorial de la Provincia de Popayán en el periodo colonial. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 53-73.

Angel, M. H., Arbeláez, S. M., & Cisneros, S. P. (2012). Geographies of the Name: Naming Practices among the Muisca and Páez in the Audiencias of Santafé and Quito, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 91-115.

Azócar, G., Sanhueza, R., Aguayo, M., Romero, H., & Muñoz, M. D. (2005). Conflicts for control of Mapuche-Pehuenche land and natural resources in the Biobío highlands, Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 57-76.

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Human Environment Interactions

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Guyot, S. (2011). The Instrumentalization of Participatory Management in Protected Areas: The ethnicization of participation in the Kolla-Atacameña Region of the Central Andes of Argentina and Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 9-36.

Herrador-Valencia, D., & Paredes, M. (2016). Cambio climático y agricultura de pequeña escala en los Andes ecuatorianos: un estudio sobre percepciones locales y estrategias de adaptación. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 101-121.

Keating, P. L. (2007). Fire ecology and conservation in the high tropical Andes: observations from northern Ecuador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 43-62.

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Lauriola, V. M. (2013). Indigenous Lands, Commons, Juridical Pluralism and Sustainability in Brazil: Lessons from the Indigenous Lands of Raposa Serra do Sol. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 157-185.

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MacDonald, K. (2016). “No Trespassing”: Changing and Contested Rights to Land in the Guyanese Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 59-82.

Messina, J. P., & Cochrane, M. A. (2007). The forests are bleeding: How land use change is creating a new fire regime in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 85-100.

Pellegrini, L., & Arismendi, M. O. R. (2012). Consultation, Compensation and Extraction in Bolivia after the’Left Turn’: The Case of Oil Exploration in the North of La Paz Department. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 103-120.

Perz, S. G., Caldas, M., Walker, R., Arima, E., & Souza, C. (2008). Road networks and forest fragmentation in the Amazon: Explanations for local differences with implications for conservation and development. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 85-104.

Powell, R. L., & Roberts, D. A. (2010). Characterizing urban land-cover change in Rondônia, Brazil: 1985 to 2000. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 183-211.

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Robson, J. P., & Lichtenstein, G. (2013). Current Trends in Latin American Commons Research. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 5-31.

Sabelli, A. (2011). A New Solution to a Persistent Problem: Addressing Tropical Deforestation with Carbon Forestry Offset Projects. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 109-129.

Seixas, C. S., de Araujo, L. G., & Piccolo, F. B. (2013). Research and Scholarship on Natural Commons in Brazil. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 135-156.

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Stackhouse, J. (2009). Urban Land Use and the Entrepreneurial State: A case study of Pudahuel, Santiago Chile during the Military Regime (1973-1989). Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 99-127.

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Walsh, S. J., McCleary, A. L., Heumann, B. W., Brewington, L., Raczkowski, E. J., & Mena, C. F. (2010). Community expansion and infrastructure development: implications for human health and environmental quality in the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 137-159.

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Wilcox-Moore, K., Brannstrom, C., Sorice, M. G., & Kreuter, U. P. (2011). The Influence of Socioeconomic Status and Fuelwood Access on Domestic Fuelwood Use in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 195-216.

Physical Geography



Tom L. Martinson, pp. 1-2

Developments in Brazilian Geography During the Twentieth Century

Kempton E. Webb, pp. 3-10

Population, Migration, & Urbanization

CLAG at Age Twenty


Our Charge for the 1990s

John P. Augelli, pp. 365-368



Tom L. Martinson and Gary S. Elbow, pp. 1-3

CLAG Honors

James J. Parson

Carl L. Johanessen, pp. 4-5

Robert C. West

Peter W. Rees, p. 6

Robert L. Carmin

Peter W. Rees, p. 7

Opening Presentation

Research Methodology


Robert L. Carmin, Tom Martinson & Barry Lentnek, pp. ii-v

Opening Presentation

Aboriginal & Peasant Cultures

Commercial & Primary Activities

Commercial Agriculture

Edmund E. Hagen, Don R. Hoy, and Ernst Griffin, pp. 182-208

Latin America in the 1960s: The Geography of Minerals

Clarence W. Minkel, pp. 209-214

Research on Forests and Man in Latin Americas

Joshua C. Dickinson III, pp. 215-219

Physical Geography

Urban, Transportation & Industrial Geography

Spatial Factors in Development Planning

Mapping Spatial Factors for Development Planning

Richard P. Momsen, Jr., pp. 397-401

Basic Issues in the Process of Development in Latin America

Harold T. Jorgenson, pp. 402-411

Quasi-Economic Political Units in Latin America

Edward Marasciulo, pp. 412-414

Culture, Tourism, & Migration.

Brady, S. (2009). Revisiting a Honduran landscape described by Robert West: An experiment in repeat geography. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 7-27.

Chaney, J. (2012). Malleable Identities: Placing the Garínagu in New Orleans. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 121-144.

Clouser, R. (2009). Remnants of terror: landscapes of fear in post-conflict Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 7-22.

Dunn, M. A., & Smith, D. A. (2011). The Spatial Patterns of Miskitu Hunting in Northeastern Honduras: Lessons for Wildlife Management in Tropical Forests. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 85-108.

Fahrenbruch, M. L., & Cochran Jr, D. M. (2014). Waiting for the Wave: Assessing the Vulnerability of Tourism in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua, to Tsunamis. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 11-35.

Hartmann, C. D. (2012). Uneven Urban Spaces: Accessing Trash in Managua, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 143-163.

Henderson, E., Nolin, C., & Peccerelli, F. (2014). Dignifying a Bare Life and Making Place through Exhumation: Cobán CREOMPAZ Former Military Garrison, Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 97-116.

Huff, L. A. (2006). Sacred sustenance: Maize, storytelling, and a Maya sense of place. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 79-96.

Mack, T. E. (2011). Cultural Maladaptation and Preadaptation in Colonial Honduras: Spaniards vs Black Caribs, 1787-1821. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 177-193.

Miyares, I. M., Wright, R., Mountz, A., Bailey, A. J., & Jonak, J. (2003). The interrupted circle: Truncated transnationalism and the Salvadoran experience. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 74-86.

Otterstrom, S. M. (2008). Nicaraguan migrants in Costa Rica during the 1990s: Gender differences and geographic expansion. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 7-33.

Pedersen, A. (2014). Landscapes of Resistance: Community Opposition to Canadian Mining Operations in Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 187-214.

Runk, J. V. (2012). Indigenous land and environmental conflicts in Panama: Neoliberal multiculturalism, changing legislation, and human rights. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 21-47.

Sampeck, K. E. (2014). Making the Municipio: Political Geographies in Colonial Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 153-179.

Sánchez, L. (2007). Splitting the Country: the case of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 7-23.

Tellman, B., Gray, L. C., & Bacon, C. M. (2011). Not Fair Enough: Historic and Institutional Barriers to Fair Trade Coffee in El Salvador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 107-127.

Warf, B. (2010). Do you know the way to San José? Medical tourism in Costa Rica. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 51-66.

Human Environment Interactions

Alvarado, N. A., & Taylor, M. J. (2014). ¿ Del mar quién es dueño?: Artisanal Fisheries, Tourism Development and the Struggles over Access to Marine Resources in Gigante, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 37-62.

Barrera, L. C., & Aliphat, M. (2006). Cacao, vanilla and annatto: Three production and exchange systems in the southern Maya lowlands, XVI-XVII centuries. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 29-52.

Bass, J. J. (2004). Incidental agroforestry in Honduras: the jícaro tree (Crescentia spp.) and pasture land use. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 67-80.

Basurto, X., & Jiménez-Pérez, I. (2013). Institutional Arrangements for Adaptive Governance of Biodiversity Conservation: The Experience of the Area de Conservación de Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 111-134.

Carr, D. L., & Barbieri, A. F. (2006). Población, tenencia de tierra, uso del suelo, y deforestación en el Parque Nacional Sierra de Lacandon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 97-112.

Cochran, D. M. (2008). Who will work the land? National integration, cash economies, and the future of shifting cultivation in the Honduran Mosquitia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 57-84.

Herrera-Rodríguez, M. (2013). Sustainable Development in Costa Rica: A Geographic Critique. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 193-219.

Lansing, D. (2009). The spaces of social capital: livelihood geographies and marine conservation in the Cayos Cochinos Marine Protected Area, Honduras. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 29-54.

Monterroso, I., & Larson, A. M. (2013). The Dynamic Forest Commons of Central America: New Directions for Research. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 87-110.

Revels, C. S. (2003). Concessions, Conflict, and the Rebirth of the Honduran Mahogany Trade. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 1-17.

Sinreich, L., & Cupples, J. (2014). Collaborating with a Muddy Road and an Ailing Forest: The Construction of Ecological Citizenship in San Francisco Libre, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 63-85.

Spalding, A. K. (2013). Environmental Outcomes of Lifestyle Migration: Land Cover Change and Land Use Transitions in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago in Panama. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 179-202.

Sutton, L., & Restrepo, C. (2013). Natural Hazards, Diverse Economy and Livelihoods in the Sierra de las Minas, Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 137-164.

Valencia, D. H., Riera, E. M., & i Juncà, M. B. (2012). Participatory Action Research Applied to the Management of Natural Areas: The Case Study of Cinquera in El Salvador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 45-65.

vonHedemann, N., Osborne, T. (2016). State Forestry Incentives and Community Stewardship: A Political Ecology of Payments and Compensation for Ecosystem Services in Guatemala’s Highlands. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 83-110.

Culture, Tourism, & Migration

Arciniega, R. S. (2012). Participación de Mujeres en el Mercado Laboral del Estado de México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 121-141.

Bray, D. B. (2013). When the State Supplies the Commons: Origins, Changes, and Design of Mexico’s Common Property Regime. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 33-55.

Burkham, J. M. (2012). The City Will Come to Us: Development Discourse and the New Rurality in Atotonilco El Bajo, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 25-43.

Burkham, J. M. (2014). The End of Migration from Atotonilco El Bajo to Milwaukee: Breakdown of a Transnational Labor Market. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 113-136.

Cabrales Barajas, L. F. (2005). The historic center of Morelia: a case of successful negotiation. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 35-56.

Campuzano, E. P., Tello, C. A., & Everitt, J. C. (2014). Spatial Segregation in a Tourist City: The Case of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 87-112.

Carrión, I. A. D. (2013). ” Nosotras también hacíamos descenso”: Rescatando la participación de las mujeres en el descenso de río con fines turísticos y deportivos en Jalcomulco (Veracruz, México). Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 151-170.

Celis, M. D. P. F., & Villarroel, S. M. O. (2013). La construcción social del espacio y los componentes de la satisfacción en el programa urbano” Bando Dos” en la Ciudad de México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 171-192.

Dixon, S. (2010). Making Mexico More” Latin”: National Identity, Statuary and Heritage in Mexico City’s Monument to Independence. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 119-138.

Driever, S. L. (2013). From Travel to Tourism: Harry Franck’s Writing on Mexico (1916–1940). Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 7-33.

Fernández-Christlieb, F., & Ramírez-Ruiz, M. (2016). El concepto de” paisaje” en lengua castellana: Una hipótesis geográfica de sus equivalencias en la Nueva España de los siglos XVI y XVII. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 79-99.

Gravel, N. (2007). Mexican smallholders adrift: The urgent need for a new social contract in rural Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 77-98.

Hunter, R. (2009). Positionality, perception, and possibility in Mexico’s Valle del Mezquital. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 49-69.

Judkins, G. (2007). Persistence of the US-Mexico border: expansion of medical-tourism amid trade liberalization. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 11-32.

Kelly, J. H., Herlihy, P. H., Smith, D. A., Viera, A. R., Hilburn, A. M., & Cendejas, G. A. H. (2010). Indigenous territoriality at the end of the social property era in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 161-181.

Klooster, D. (2013). The Impact of Trans-National Migration on Commons Management among Mexican Indigenous Communities. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 57-86.

Marr, P., & Sutton, C. (2004). Demographic Changes in the Purépecha Region of Michoacán, Mexico: 1970-2000. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 52-66.

Navarrete, M. (2008). Garment Maquiladoras in Rural Yucatán: An Environmental Tale. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 105-132.

Nelson, L. (2006). Artesanía, mobility and the crafting of indigenous identities among Purhépechan women in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography,5(1), 51-77.

Puyo, J. Y. (2010). The French Military Confront Mexico’s Geography: the Expedition of 1862-67. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 139-157.

Radel, C., & Schmook, B. (2008). Male transnational migration and its linkages to land-use change in a southern Campeche ejido. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 59-84.

Salinas, R. I. G. (2012). Mexico City’s Symbolic Geography: The Processions of Our Lady of Remedios. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 145-173.

Sertzen, P. K., & Torres, R. M. (2016). Dibujando el” Otro Lado”: Mexican Children’s Perceptions of Migration to the United States. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 55-77.

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Wohlgemuth, N. H. M. (2014). Alternatives to Rural Development: Organic Agriculture and Indigenous Communities in Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 67-88.

Human Environment Interactions

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McAfee, K. (2003). Corn culture and dangerous DNA: Real and imagined consequences of maize transgene flow in Oaxaca. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 18-42.

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Culture, Tourism, & Migration

Aldrich, S. P. (2012). Contested Groves: Forest Reserves and Land Conflict in the Eastern Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 73-101.

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Cowie, H. (2011). A Creole in Paris and a Spaniard in Paraguay: Geographies of Natural History in the Hispanic World (1750-1808). Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 175-197.

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Driever, S. L. (2011). Geographic Narratives in the South American Travelogues of Harry A. Franck: 1917-1943. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 53-69.

Fadiman, M. G. (2005). Cultivated Food Plants: Culture and Gendered Spaces of Colonists and the Chachi in Ecuador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 43-57.

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Frank, Z., & Berry, W. (2010). The slave market in Rio de Janeiro circa 1869: Context, movement and social experience. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 85-110.

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MacDonald, K. (2014). Impacts of the Cattle Industry and Road Development in the Rupununi, Guyana. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 159-182.

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Scott, H. V. (2012). The Contested Spaces of the Subterranean: Colonial Governmentality, Mining, and the Mita in Early Spanish Peru. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 7-33.

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Human Environment Interactions

Aldrich, S. P., Simmons, C. S., Perz, S. G., Walker, R. T., & Caldas, M. M. (2007). Spatial processes in scalar context: development and security in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 125-148.

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Physical Geography



Tom L. Martinson, pp. 1-2

Developments in Brazilian Geography During the Twentieth Century

Kempton E. Webb, pp. 3-10

Population, Migration, & Urbanization

CLAG at Age Twenty


Our Charge for the 1990s

John P. Augelli, pp. 365-368



Tom L. Martinson and Gary S. Elbow, pp. 1-3

CLAG Honors

James J. Parson

Carl L. Johanessen, pp. 4-5

Robert C. West

Peter W. Rees, p. 6

Robert L. Carmin

Peter W. Rees, p. 7

Opening Presentation

Research Methodology


Robert L. Carmin, Tom Martinson & Barry Lentnek, pp. ii-v

Opening Presentation

Aboriginal & Peasant Cultures

Commercial & Primary Activities

Commercial Agriculture

Edmund E. Hagen, Don R. Hoy, and Ernst Griffin, pp. 182-208

Latin America in the 1960s: The Geography of Minerals

Clarence W. Minkel, pp. 209-214

Research on Forests and Man in Latin Americas

Joshua C. Dickinson III, pp. 215-219

Physical Geography

Urban, Transportation & Industrial Geography

Spatial Factors in Development Planning

Mapping Spatial Factors for Development Planning

Richard P. Momsen, Jr., pp. 397-401

Basic Issues in the Process of Development in Latin America

Harold T. Jorgenson, pp. 402-411

Quasi-Economic Political Units in Latin America

Edward Marasciulo, pp. 412-414

Culture, Tourism, & Migration.

Brady, S. (2009). Revisiting a Honduran landscape described by Robert West: An experiment in repeat geography. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 7-27.

Chaney, J. (2012). Malleable Identities: Placing the Garínagu in New Orleans. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 121-144.

Clouser, R. (2009). Remnants of terror: landscapes of fear in post-conflict Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 7-22.

Dunn, M. A., & Smith, D. A. (2011). The Spatial Patterns of Miskitu Hunting in Northeastern Honduras: Lessons for Wildlife Management in Tropical Forests. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 85-108.

Fahrenbruch, M. L., & Cochran Jr, D. M. (2014). Waiting for the Wave: Assessing the Vulnerability of Tourism in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua, to Tsunamis. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 11-35.

Hartmann, C. D. (2012). Uneven Urban Spaces: Accessing Trash in Managua, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 143-163.

Henderson, E., Nolin, C., & Peccerelli, F. (2014). Dignifying a Bare Life and Making Place through Exhumation: Cobán CREOMPAZ Former Military Garrison, Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 97-116.

Huff, L. A. (2006). Sacred sustenance: Maize, storytelling, and a Maya sense of place. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 79-96.

Mack, T. E. (2011). Cultural Maladaptation and Preadaptation in Colonial Honduras: Spaniards vs Black Caribs, 1787-1821. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 177-193.

Miyares, I. M., Wright, R., Mountz, A., Bailey, A. J., & Jonak, J. (2003). The interrupted circle: Truncated transnationalism and the Salvadoran experience. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 74-86.

Otterstrom, S. M. (2008). Nicaraguan migrants in Costa Rica during the 1990s: Gender differences and geographic expansion. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 7-33.

Pedersen, A. (2014). Landscapes of Resistance: Community Opposition to Canadian Mining Operations in Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 187-214.

Runk, J. V. (2012). Indigenous land and environmental conflicts in Panama: Neoliberal multiculturalism, changing legislation, and human rights. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 21-47.

Sampeck, K. E. (2014). Making the Municipio: Political Geographies in Colonial Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 153-179.

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Human Environment Interactions

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Lansing, D. (2009). The spaces of social capital: livelihood geographies and marine conservation in the Cayos Cochinos Marine Protected Area, Honduras. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 29-54.

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Revels, C. S. (2003). Concessions, Conflict, and the Rebirth of the Honduran Mahogany Trade. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 1-17.

Sinreich, L., & Cupples, J. (2014). Collaborating with a Muddy Road and an Ailing Forest: The Construction of Ecological Citizenship in San Francisco Libre, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 63-85.

Spalding, A. K. (2013). Environmental Outcomes of Lifestyle Migration: Land Cover Change and Land Use Transitions in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago in Panama. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 179-202.

Sutton, L., & Restrepo, C. (2013). Natural Hazards, Diverse Economy and Livelihoods in the Sierra de las Minas, Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 137-164.

Valencia, D. H., Riera, E. M., & i Juncà, M. B. (2012). Participatory Action Research Applied to the Management of Natural Areas: The Case Study of Cinquera in El Salvador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 45-65.

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Culture, Tourism, & Migration

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Human Environment Interactions

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Culture, Tourism, & Migration

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Human Environment Interactions

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Lauriola, V. M. (2013). Indigenous Lands, Commons, Juridical Pluralism and Sustainability in Brazil: Lessons from the Indigenous Lands of Raposa Serra do Sol. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 157-185.

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Messina, J. P., & Cochrane, M. A. (2007). The forests are bleeding: How land use change is creating a new fire regime in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 85-100.

Pellegrini, L., & Arismendi, M. O. R. (2012). Consultation, Compensation and Extraction in Bolivia after the’Left Turn’: The Case of Oil Exploration in the North of La Paz Department. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 103-120.

Perz, S. G., Caldas, M., Walker, R., Arima, E., & Souza, C. (2008). Road networks and forest fragmentation in the Amazon: Explanations for local differences with implications for conservation and development. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 85-104.

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Sabelli, A. (2011). A New Solution to a Persistent Problem: Addressing Tropical Deforestation with Carbon Forestry Offset Projects. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 109-129.

Seixas, C. S., de Araujo, L. G., & Piccolo, F. B. (2013). Research and Scholarship on Natural Commons in Brazil. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 135-156.

Simmons, C., Walker, R., Perz, S., Arima, E., Aldrich, S., & Caldas, M. (2016). Spatial Patterns of Frontier Settlement: Balancing Conservation and Development. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 33-58.

Simmons, C. S., Walker, R. T., Wood, C. H., Arima, E., & Cochrane, M. A. (2004). Wildfires in Amazonia: A pilot study examining the role of farming systems, social capital, and fire contagion. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 81-95.

Stackhouse, J. (2009). Urban Land Use and the Entrepreneurial State: A case study of Pudahuel, Santiago Chile during the Military Regime (1973-1989). Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 99-127.

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Walsh, S. J., McCleary, A. L., Heumann, B. W., Brewington, L., Raczkowski, E. J., & Mena, C. F. (2010). Community expansion and infrastructure development: implications for human health and environmental quality in the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 137-159.

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Wilcox-Moore, K., Brannstrom, C., Sorice, M. G., & Kreuter, U. P. (2011). The Influence of Socioeconomic Status and Fuelwood Access on Domestic Fuelwood Use in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 195-216.

Physical Geography



Tom L. Martinson, pp. 1-2

Developments in Brazilian Geography During the Twentieth Century

Kempton E. Webb, pp. 3-10

Population, Migration, & Urbanization

CLAG at Age Twenty


Our Charge for the 1990s

John P. Augelli, pp. 365-368



Tom L. Martinson and Gary S. Elbow, pp. 1-3

CLAG Honors

James J. Parson

Carl L. Johanessen, pp. 4-5

Robert C. West

Peter W. Rees, p. 6

Robert L. Carmin

Peter W. Rees, p. 7

Opening Presentation

Research Methodology


Robert L. Carmin, Tom Martinson & Barry Lentnek, pp. ii-v

Opening Presentation

Aboriginal & Peasant Cultures

Commercial & Primary Activities

Commercial Agriculture

Edmund E. Hagen, Don R. Hoy, and Ernst Griffin, pp. 182-208

Latin America in the 1960s: The Geography of Minerals

Clarence W. Minkel, pp. 209-214

Research on Forests and Man in Latin Americas

Joshua C. Dickinson III, pp. 215-219

Physical Geography

Urban, Transportation & Industrial Geography

Spatial Factors in Development Planning

Mapping Spatial Factors for Development Planning

Richard P. Momsen, Jr., pp. 397-401

Basic Issues in the Process of Development in Latin America

Harold T. Jorgenson, pp. 402-411

Quasi-Economic Political Units in Latin America

Edward Marasciulo, pp. 412-414

Culture, Tourism, & Migration.

Brady, S. (2009). Revisiting a Honduran landscape described by Robert West: An experiment in repeat geography. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 7-27.

Chaney, J. (2012). Malleable Identities: Placing the Garínagu in New Orleans. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 121-144.

Clouser, R. (2009). Remnants of terror: landscapes of fear in post-conflict Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 7-22.

Dunn, M. A., & Smith, D. A. (2011). The Spatial Patterns of Miskitu Hunting in Northeastern Honduras: Lessons for Wildlife Management in Tropical Forests. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 85-108.

Fahrenbruch, M. L., & Cochran Jr, D. M. (2014). Waiting for the Wave: Assessing the Vulnerability of Tourism in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua, to Tsunamis. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 11-35.

Hartmann, C. D. (2012). Uneven Urban Spaces: Accessing Trash in Managua, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 143-163.

Henderson, E., Nolin, C., & Peccerelli, F. (2014). Dignifying a Bare Life and Making Place through Exhumation: Cobán CREOMPAZ Former Military Garrison, Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 97-116.

Huff, L. A. (2006). Sacred sustenance: Maize, storytelling, and a Maya sense of place. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 79-96.

Mack, T. E. (2011). Cultural Maladaptation and Preadaptation in Colonial Honduras: Spaniards vs Black Caribs, 1787-1821. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 177-193.

Miyares, I. M., Wright, R., Mountz, A., Bailey, A. J., & Jonak, J. (2003). The interrupted circle: Truncated transnationalism and the Salvadoran experience. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 74-86.

Otterstrom, S. M. (2008). Nicaraguan migrants in Costa Rica during the 1990s: Gender differences and geographic expansion. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 7-33.

Pedersen, A. (2014). Landscapes of Resistance: Community Opposition to Canadian Mining Operations in Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 187-214.

Runk, J. V. (2012). Indigenous land and environmental conflicts in Panama: Neoliberal multiculturalism, changing legislation, and human rights. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 21-47.

Sampeck, K. E. (2014). Making the Municipio: Political Geographies in Colonial Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 153-179.

Sánchez, L. (2007). Splitting the Country: the case of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 7-23.

Tellman, B., Gray, L. C., & Bacon, C. M. (2011). Not Fair Enough: Historic and Institutional Barriers to Fair Trade Coffee in El Salvador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 107-127.

Warf, B. (2010). Do you know the way to San José? Medical tourism in Costa Rica. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 51-66.

Human Environment Interactions

Alvarado, N. A., & Taylor, M. J. (2014). ¿ Del mar quién es dueño?: Artisanal Fisheries, Tourism Development and the Struggles over Access to Marine Resources in Gigante, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 37-62.

Barrera, L. C., & Aliphat, M. (2006). Cacao, vanilla and annatto: Three production and exchange systems in the southern Maya lowlands, XVI-XVII centuries. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 29-52.

Bass, J. J. (2004). Incidental agroforestry in Honduras: the jícaro tree (Crescentia spp.) and pasture land use. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 67-80.

Basurto, X., & Jiménez-Pérez, I. (2013). Institutional Arrangements for Adaptive Governance of Biodiversity Conservation: The Experience of the Area de Conservación de Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 111-134.

Carr, D. L., & Barbieri, A. F. (2006). Población, tenencia de tierra, uso del suelo, y deforestación en el Parque Nacional Sierra de Lacandon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 97-112.

Cochran, D. M. (2008). Who will work the land? National integration, cash economies, and the future of shifting cultivation in the Honduran Mosquitia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 57-84.

Herrera-Rodríguez, M. (2013). Sustainable Development in Costa Rica: A Geographic Critique. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 193-219.

Lansing, D. (2009). The spaces of social capital: livelihood geographies and marine conservation in the Cayos Cochinos Marine Protected Area, Honduras. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 29-54.

Monterroso, I., & Larson, A. M. (2013). The Dynamic Forest Commons of Central America: New Directions for Research. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 87-110.

Revels, C. S. (2003). Concessions, Conflict, and the Rebirth of the Honduran Mahogany Trade. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 1-17.

Sinreich, L., & Cupples, J. (2014). Collaborating with a Muddy Road and an Ailing Forest: The Construction of Ecological Citizenship in San Francisco Libre, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 63-85.

Spalding, A. K. (2013). Environmental Outcomes of Lifestyle Migration: Land Cover Change and Land Use Transitions in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago in Panama. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 179-202.

Sutton, L., & Restrepo, C. (2013). Natural Hazards, Diverse Economy and Livelihoods in the Sierra de las Minas, Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 137-164.

Valencia, D. H., Riera, E. M., & i Juncà, M. B. (2012). Participatory Action Research Applied to the Management of Natural Areas: The Case Study of Cinquera in El Salvador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 45-65.

vonHedemann, N., Osborne, T. (2016). State Forestry Incentives and Community Stewardship: A Political Ecology of Payments and Compensation for Ecosystem Services in Guatemala’s Highlands. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 83-110.

Culture, Tourism, & Migration

Arciniega, R. S. (2012). Participación de Mujeres en el Mercado Laboral del Estado de México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 121-141.

Bray, D. B. (2013). When the State Supplies the Commons: Origins, Changes, and Design of Mexico’s Common Property Regime. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 33-55.

Burkham, J. M. (2012). The City Will Come to Us: Development Discourse and the New Rurality in Atotonilco El Bajo, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 25-43.

Burkham, J. M. (2014). The End of Migration from Atotonilco El Bajo to Milwaukee: Breakdown of a Transnational Labor Market. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 113-136.

Cabrales Barajas, L. F. (2005). The historic center of Morelia: a case of successful negotiation. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 35-56.

Campuzano, E. P., Tello, C. A., & Everitt, J. C. (2014). Spatial Segregation in a Tourist City: The Case of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 87-112.

Carrión, I. A. D. (2013). ” Nosotras también hacíamos descenso”: Rescatando la participación de las mujeres en el descenso de río con fines turísticos y deportivos en Jalcomulco (Veracruz, México). Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 151-170.

Celis, M. D. P. F., & Villarroel, S. M. O. (2013). La construcción social del espacio y los componentes de la satisfacción en el programa urbano” Bando Dos” en la Ciudad de México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 171-192.

Dixon, S. (2010). Making Mexico More” Latin”: National Identity, Statuary and Heritage in Mexico City’s Monument to Independence. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 119-138.

Driever, S. L. (2013). From Travel to Tourism: Harry Franck’s Writing on Mexico (1916–1940). Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 7-33.

Fernández-Christlieb, F., & Ramírez-Ruiz, M. (2016). El concepto de” paisaje” en lengua castellana: Una hipótesis geográfica de sus equivalencias en la Nueva España de los siglos XVI y XVII. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 79-99.

Gravel, N. (2007). Mexican smallholders adrift: The urgent need for a new social contract in rural Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 77-98.

Hunter, R. (2009). Positionality, perception, and possibility in Mexico’s Valle del Mezquital. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 49-69.

Judkins, G. (2007). Persistence of the US-Mexico border: expansion of medical-tourism amid trade liberalization. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 11-32.

Kelly, J. H., Herlihy, P. H., Smith, D. A., Viera, A. R., Hilburn, A. M., & Cendejas, G. A. H. (2010). Indigenous territoriality at the end of the social property era in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 161-181.

Klooster, D. (2013). The Impact of Trans-National Migration on Commons Management among Mexican Indigenous Communities. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 57-86.

Marr, P., & Sutton, C. (2004). Demographic Changes in the Purépecha Region of Michoacán, Mexico: 1970-2000. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 52-66.

Navarrete, M. (2008). Garment Maquiladoras in Rural Yucatán: An Environmental Tale. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 105-132.

Nelson, L. (2006). Artesanía, mobility and the crafting of indigenous identities among Purhépechan women in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography,5(1), 51-77.

Puyo, J. Y. (2010). The French Military Confront Mexico’s Geography: the Expedition of 1862-67. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 139-157.

Radel, C., & Schmook, B. (2008). Male transnational migration and its linkages to land-use change in a southern Campeche ejido. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 59-84.

Salinas, R. I. G. (2012). Mexico City’s Symbolic Geography: The Processions of Our Lady of Remedios. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 145-173.

Sertzen, P. K., & Torres, R. M. (2016). Dibujando el” Otro Lado”: Mexican Children’s Perceptions of Migration to the United States. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 55-77.

Sizzo, I. A. (2013). Colonial y animado: percepción del Centro Histórico de Morelia entre los residentes de la ciudad. Journal of Latin American Geography,12(3), 113-135.

Slack, J., Martínez, D. E., Lee, A. E., & Whiteford, S. (2016). The Geography of Border Militarization: Violence, Death and Health in Mexico and the United States. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 7-32.

Smith, L. C. (2006). Mobilizing Indigenous Video: the Mexican Case. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 113-128.

Soto, V., & Banister, J. M. (2016). Building Cities, Constructing Citizens: Sustainable Rural Cities in Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 111-131.

Taylor, M. J. (2008). The Mesquite Economy in the Mexican-American Borderlands. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 133-149.

Verduzco, B. (2008). Explaining Variations in Environmental Activism on the United State-Mexico Border. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 151-175.

Walker, M. A. (2014). ‘Everybody Wants to Avoid Mexico’: NGOs and Border Geographies. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 137-158.

Warf, B. (2009). Diverse spatialities of the Latin American and Caribbean internet. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 125-145.

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Wohlgemuth, N. H. M. (2014). Alternatives to Rural Development: Organic Agriculture and Indigenous Communities in Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 67-88.

Human Environment Interactions

Aguilar Robledo, M. (2004). Formation of the Miraflores Hacienda: Lands, Indians, and livestock in eastern New Spain at the end of the sixteenth century. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 87-110.

Aguilar, A. G., & López, F. M. (2009). Water Insecurity among the urban poor in the peri-urban zone of Xochimilco, México City. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 97-123.

Barrera-Bassols, N., & Toledo, V. M. (2005). Ethnoecology of the Yucatec Maya: symbolism, knowledge and management of natural resources. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 9-41.

Brenner, L., & Job, H. (2006). Actor-Management of Protected Areas and Ecotourism in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 7-27.

Camacho, X. C., Pérez, O. R., Martínez, J. F., & Robledo, M. A. (2014). Distribución Espacial de la Biodiversidad en el Estado de San Luis Potosí, México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 11-39.

Christie, M. E. (2007). Naturaleza y sociedad desde la perspectiva de la cocina tradicional Mexicana: Género, adaptación y resistencia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 1(1), 21-54.

Enrico, A., Brehm, K., Teachout, A., Morgan, E., Kiendl, C., Vasquez, K., & Biles, J. J. (2007). Globalization of food retailing and transformation of supply networks: Consequences for small-scale agricultural producers in southeastern Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 55-75.

Fry, M. (2008). Mexico’s concrete block landscape: A modern legacy in the vernacular. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 35-58.

Garibay, C., Boni, A., Panico, F., Urquijo, P., & Klooster, D. (2011). Unequal partners, unequal exchange: Goldcorp, the Mexican State, and Campesino dispossession at the Peñasquito goldmine. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 153-176.

Garza Merodio, G. G. (2006). Technological innovation and the expansion of Mexico City, 1870-1920. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 109-126.

Harner, J. (2007). Globalization of food retailing in Guadalajara, Mexico: Changes in access equity and social engagement. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 33-53.

Hausermann, H., & Eakin, H. (2008). Producing” viable” landscapes and livelihoods in central Veracruz, Mexico: institutional and producer responses to the coffee commodity crisis. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 109-131.

Isaac-Márquez, R., Valladares, J. L. S., Spencer, A. E., Arcipreste, M. E. A., Aguilar, M. A. A., Márquez, A. P. I., & González, M. C. S. (2016). Impactos Sociales y Ambientales de la Palma de Aceite: Perspectiva de los Campesinos en Campeche, México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 123-146.

Keleman, A., & Hellin, J. (2009). Specialty maize varieties in Mexico: a case study in market-driven agro-biodiversity conservation. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 147-174.

LaFevor, M. C. (2012). Sulphur Mining on Mexico’s Popocatépetl Volcano (1820–1920): Origins, Development, and Human-Environmental Challenges. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 79-98.

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López, J. F. (2012). “In the Art of My Profession”: Adrian Boot and Dutch Water Management in Colonial Mexico City. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 35-60.

McAfee, K. (2003). Corn culture and dangerous DNA: Real and imagined consequences of maize transgene flow in Oaxaca. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 18-42.

Myint, S. W., Jain, J., & Guhathakurta, S. (2010). Patterns and Rates of Land Use Land Cover Change: A Case Study of Ambos Nogales (Arizona and Sonora), 1985-2004. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 245-274.

Perevochtchikova, M., & de la Torre, J. L. L. (2010). Causas de un desastre: Inundaciones del 2007 en Tabasco, México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 73-98.

Perramond, E. P. (2005). The politics of ecology: local knowledge and wild chili collection in Sonora, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 59-75.

Radel, C. (2005). Women’s community-based organizations, conservation projects, and effective land control in southern Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 7-34.

Roy Chowdhury, R., & Keys, E. (2006). Cash crops, smallholder decision-making and institutional interactions in a closing frontier: Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 75-90.

Sánchez, A. T., & Perevochtchikova, M. (2012). La gestión del agua y el desarrollo de indicadores ambientales en México y Canadá: un análisis comparativo. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 145-165.

Schneider, L. C. (2006). Invasive species and land-use: the effect of land management practices on bracken fern invasion in the region of Calakmul, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 92-107.

Smith, D. A., Herlihy, P. H., Kelly, J. H., & Viera, A. R. (2009). The certification and privatization of indigenous lands in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 175-207.

Urquijo, P. S., & Bocco, G. (2011). Los estudios de paisaje y su importancia en México, 1970-2010. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 37-63.

Culture, Tourism, & Migration

Aldrich, S. P. (2012). Contested Groves: Forest Reserves and Land Conflict in the Eastern Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 73-101.

Angel, M. H. (2006). Las bases prehispánicas de la configuración territorial de la Provincia de Popayán en el periodo colonial. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 53-73.

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Azócar, G., Sanhueza, R., Aguayo, M., Romero, H., & Muñoz, M. D. (2005). Conflicts for control of Mapuche-Pehuenche land and natural resources in the Biobío highlands, Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 57-76.

Bockelman, B. (2012). Along the Waterfront: Alejandro Malaspina, Fernando Brambila, and the Invention of the Buenos Aires Cityscape, 1789-1809. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 61-88.

Buzai, G. D. (2013). Technological Dependency and the Internet: Latin American Access from Buenos Aires, 2001–2013. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 165-177.

Buzai, G. D., & Marcos, M. (2012). The Social Map of Greater Buenos Aires as Empirical Evidence of Urban Models. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 67-78.

Conway-Gómez, K. (2008). Market integration, perceived wealth and household consumption of river turtles (Podocnemis spp.) in eastern lowland Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 85-108.

Corby, J. H. K. (2010). For Members and Markets: Neoliberalism and Cooperativism in Mendoza’s Wine Industry. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 27-47.

Cowie, H. (2011). A Creole in Paris and a Spaniard in Paraguay: Geographies of Natural History in the Hispanic World (1750-1808). Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 175-197.

de Carvalho Dumith, R. (2014). Dinâmicas do sistema de gestão na Reserva Extrativista de Canavieiras, Bahia, Brasil: análise da robustez institucional. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 89-116.

Denevan, W. M. (2014). Estimating Amazonian Indian Numbers in 1492. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 207-221.

Denevan, W. M. (2012). Rewriting the Late Pre-European History of Amazonia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 9-24.

Driever, S. L. (2011). Geographic Narratives in the South American Travelogues of Harry A. Franck: 1917-1943. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 53-69.

Fadiman, M. G. (2005). Cultivated Food Plants: Culture and Gendered Spaces of Colonists and the Chachi in Ecuador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 43-57.

Faura, N. D. (2014). The puquina Language in the Early Colonial Southern Andes (1548-1610): A Geographical Analysis. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 181-206.

Finn, J. C. (2014). Soundtrack of a Nation: Race, Place, and Music in Modern Brazil. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 67-95.

Formiga, N. (2007). El derecho a la ciudad y la cuestión del espacio público: Experiencias en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 173-196.

Frank, Z., & Berry, W. (2010). The slave market in Rio de Janeiro circa 1869: Context, movement and social experience. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 85-110.

Freeman, J. (2014). Raising the Flag over Rio de Janeiro’s Favelas: Citizenship and Social Control in the Olympic City. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 7-38.

Gade, D. W. (2006). Paraguay 1975: Thinking back on the fieldwork moment. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 31-49.

Gade, D. W. (2010). Sucre, Bolivia, and the Quiddity of Place. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 99-117.

Gade, D. W. (2013). Llamas and Alpacas as” Sheep” in the Colonial Andes: Zoogeography Meets Eurocentrism. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 221-243.

Irazabal, C. (2004). A Planned City Comes of Age: Rethinking Ciudad Guayana Today. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 22-51.

Keeling, D. J. (2004). Latin American development and the globalization imperative: new directions, familiar crises. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 1-21.

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Longhi, F. (2014). Desnutrición y Muerte en la Niñez argentina en los Albores del Siglo XXI: Un Análisis Espacial. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 41-65.

López-Morales, E. J. (2010). Real Estate market, state-entrepreneurialism and urban policy in the’gentrification by ground rent dispossession’of Santiago de Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 145-173.

MacDonald, K. (2014). Impacts of the Cattle Industry and Road Development in the Rupununi, Guyana. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 159-182.

Marcus, A. P. (2011). Rethinking Brazil’s place within Latin Americanist geography. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 131-149.

Meza, L. E. (2009). Mapuche struggles for land and the role of private protected areas in Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 149-163.

Narins, T. P. (2013). Ecuadorian State-Capacity Building through Territorial Strategic Asset Management. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 35-61.

Offen, K. H. (2003). The territorial turn: Making black territories in Pacific Colombia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 43-73.

Pedlowski, M. A. (2013). When the State Becomes the Land Grabber: Violence and Dispossession in Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 91-111.

Puyo, J. Y. (2008). Mise en valeur de la Guyane française et peuplement blanc: les espoirs déçus du baron de Laussat (1819-1823). Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 177-202.

Radhuber, I. M. (2012). Indigenous Struggles for a Plurinational State: An Analysis of Indigenous Rights and Competences in Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 167-193.

Rainer, G., & Malizia, M. (2014). Los countries en el country. Migración de amenidad, vino de altura y urbanizaciones cerradas en Cafayate (Salta, Argentina). Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 39-66.

Ravuri, E. D. (2002). Life-Time and Recent Migration to Bolívar State, Venezuela, 1990: The Effect of the Guayana Program. Journal of Latin American Geography, 1(1), 93-109.

Read, J. M., Fragoso, J. M., Silvius, K. M., Luzar, J., Overman, H., Cummings, A., Giery, S. T., & de Oliveira, L. F. (2010). Space, place, and hunting patterns among indigenous peoples of the Guyanese Rupununi region. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 213-243.

Salisbury, D. S., Gutiérrez, L. A. A., Alván, C. L. P., & Alvarado, J. W. V. (2010). Fronteras Vivas or Dead Ends? The Impact of Military Settlement Projects in the Amazon Borderlands. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 49-71.

Saludjian, A. (2005). Critiques du Régionalisme Ouvert à partir de l’économie géographique appliquée au Mercosur. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 77-96.

Schroeder, K. (2007). Economic globalization and Bolivia’s regional divide. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 99-120.

Scott, H. V. (2012). The Contested Spaces of the Subterranean: Colonial Governmentality, Mining, and the Mita in Early Spanish Peru. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 7-33.

Skop, E. H., & Peters, P. A. (2007). Socio-spatial segregation in Metropolitan Lima, Peru. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 149-171.

Valenzuela-Aguilera, A., & Monroy-Ortiz, R. (2014). Formal/Informal/Ilegal: Los Tres Circuitos de la Economía Espacial en América Latina. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 117-135.

Vidal-Koppmann, S. (2009). Fragmentación Socio-espacial en la Periferia de la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 79-97.

Warf, B. (2014). Geographies of E-Government in Latin America and the Caribbean. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 169-185.

Warf, B., & Stewart, S. (2016). Latin American Corruption in Geographic Perspective. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 133-155.

White, J. H. (2013). The Drowned Prostitute: National Development, Public Morality, and the Shifting Geography of Sexual Commerce in Alto Paraná, Paraguay, 1974–1982. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 125-149.

Whitson, R. (2007). Beyond the Crisis: Economic globalization and informal work in urban Argentina. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 121-136.

WinklerPrins, A. M., & de Souza, P. S. (2005). Surviving the city: urban home gardens and the economy of affection in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 107-126.

Yarnall, K., & Price, M. (2010). Migration, development and a new rurality in the Valle Alto, Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 107-124.

Human Environment Interactions

Aldrich, S. P., Simmons, C. S., Perz, S. G., Walker, R. T., & Caldas, M. M. (2007). Spatial processes in scalar context: development and security in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 125-148.

Barsky, A. (2006). Problem of access to land for Bolivian horticultural producers in the transitional zone of Western Greater Buenos Aires. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 127-131.

Bebbington, D. H. (2012). Consultation, Compensation and Conflict: Natural Gas Extraction in Weenhayek Territory, Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 49-71.

Bury, J. T. (2002). Livelihoods, mining and peasant protests in the Peruvian Andes. Journal of Latin American Geography, 1(1), 1-19.

Caldas, M. M. & Simmons, C. & Walker, R. & Perz, S. & Aldrich, S. & Pereira, R. & Leite, F. & Arima, E.(2010). Settlement Formation and Land Cover and Land Use Change: A Case Study in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 125-144.

Carter, E. D. (2008). Malaria, landscape, and society in northwest Argentina in the early twentieth century. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 7-38.

Celemín, J. P., & Velázquez, G. Á. (2011). Estimación de un índice de calidad ambiental para la Ciudad y Provincia de Buenos Aires. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 71-84.

Farley, K. A. (2010). Pathways to forest transition: Local case studies from the Ecuadorian Andes. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 7-26.

García, C., Tavera-Escobar, H., Vieira, C., Rincón, C., & Rentería, E. (2014). Fostering Ethno-Territorial Autonomy: A Colombian Case Study of Community-based Conservation of Mangroves. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 117-152.

Gomes, C. V. A., Perz, S. G., & Vadjunec, J. M. (2012). Convergence and Contrasts in the Adoption of Cattle Ranching: Comparisons of Smallholder Agriculturalists and Forest Extractivists in the Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 99-120.

Guyot, S. (2011). The Instrumentalization of Participatory Management in Protected Areas: The ethnicization of participation in the Kolla-Atacameña Region of the Central Andes of Argentina and Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 9-36.

Herrador-Valencia, D., & Paredes, M. (2016). Cambio climático y agricultura de pequeña escala en los Andes ecuatorianos: un estudio sobre percepciones locales y estrategias de adaptación. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 101-121.

Keating, P. L. (2007). Fire ecology and conservation in the high tropical Andes: observations from northern Ecuador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 43-62.

Laue, J. E., & Arima, E. (2016). What Drives Downsizing of Protected Areas?: A Case Study of Amazon National Park. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 7-31.

Lauriola, V. M. (2013). Indigenous Lands, Commons, Juridical Pluralism and Sustainability in Brazil: Lessons from the Indigenous Lands of Raposa Serra do Sol. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 157-185.

Lichtenstein, G. (2013). Guanaco Management in Argentina: Taking a Commons Perspective. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 187-213.

MacDonald, K. (2016). “No Trespassing”: Changing and Contested Rights to Land in the Guyanese Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 59-82.

Messina, J. P., & Cochrane, M. A. (2007). The forests are bleeding: How land use change is creating a new fire regime in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 85-100.

Pellegrini, L., & Arismendi, M. O. R. (2012). Consultation, Compensation and Extraction in Bolivia after the’Left Turn’: The Case of Oil Exploration in the North of La Paz Department. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 103-120.

Perz, S. G., Caldas, M., Walker, R., Arima, E., & Souza, C. (2008). Road networks and forest fragmentation in the Amazon: Explanations for local differences with implications for conservation and development. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 85-104.

Powell, R. L., & Roberts, D. A. (2010). Characterizing urban land-cover change in Rondônia, Brazil: 1985 to 2000. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 183-211.

Reboratti, C. (2012). Socio-environmental Conflict in Argentina. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 3-20.

Robson, J. P., & Lichtenstein, G. (2013). Current Trends in Latin American Commons Research. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 5-31.

Sabelli, A. (2011). A New Solution to a Persistent Problem: Addressing Tropical Deforestation with Carbon Forestry Offset Projects. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 109-129.

Seixas, C. S., de Araujo, L. G., & Piccolo, F. B. (2013). Research and Scholarship on Natural Commons in Brazil. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 135-156.

Simmons, C., Walker, R., Perz, S., Arima, E., Aldrich, S., & Caldas, M. (2016). Spatial Patterns of Frontier Settlement: Balancing Conservation and Development. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 33-58.

Simmons, C. S., Walker, R. T., Wood, C. H., Arima, E., & Cochrane, M. A. (2004). Wildfires in Amazonia: A pilot study examining the role of farming systems, social capital, and fire contagion. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 81-95.

Stackhouse, J. (2009). Urban Land Use and the Entrepreneurial State: A case study of Pudahuel, Santiago Chile during the Military Regime (1973-1989). Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 99-127.

Vadjunec, J. M. (2011). Extracting a livelihood: institutional and social dimensions of deforestation in the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve, Acre, Brazil. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 151-174.

Walsh, S. J., McCleary, A. L., Heumann, B. W., Brewington, L., Raczkowski, E. J., & Mena, C. F. (2010). Community expansion and infrastructure development: implications for human health and environmental quality in the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 137-159.

Watkins, C. (2011). Dendezeiro: African Oil Palm Agroecologies in Bahia, Brazil, and Implications for Development. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 9-33.

Wernke, S. A. (2010). A Reduced Landscape: Toward a Multi-Causal Understanding of Historic Period Agricultural Deintensification in Highland Peru. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 51-83.

Wilcox-Moore, K., Brannstrom, C., Sorice, M. G., & Kreuter, U. P. (2011). The Influence of Socioeconomic Status and Fuelwood Access on Domestic Fuelwood Use in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 195-216.

Physical Geography



Tom L. Martinson, pp. 1-2

Developments in Brazilian Geography During the Twentieth Century

Kempton E. Webb, pp. 3-10

Population, Migration, & Urbanization

CLAG at Age Twenty


Our Charge for the 1990s

John P. Augelli, pp. 365-368



Tom L. Martinson and Gary S. Elbow, pp. 1-3

CLAG Honors

James J. Parson

Carl L. Johanessen, pp. 4-5

Robert C. West

Peter W. Rees, p. 6

Robert L. Carmin

Peter W. Rees, p. 7

Opening Presentation

Research Methodology


Robert L. Carmin, Tom Martinson & Barry Lentnek, pp. ii-v

Opening Presentation

Aboriginal & Peasant Cultures

Commercial & Primary Activities

Commercial Agriculture

Edmund E. Hagen, Don R. Hoy, and Ernst Griffin, pp. 182-208

Latin America in the 1960s: The Geography of Minerals

Clarence W. Minkel, pp. 209-214

Research on Forests and Man in Latin Americas

Joshua C. Dickinson III, pp. 215-219

Physical Geography

Urban, Transportation & Industrial Geography

Spatial Factors in Development Planning

Mapping Spatial Factors for Development Planning

Richard P. Momsen, Jr., pp. 397-401

Basic Issues in the Process of Development in Latin America

Harold T. Jorgenson, pp. 402-411

Quasi-Economic Political Units in Latin America

Edward Marasciulo, pp. 412-414

Culture, Tourism, & Migration.

Brady, S. (2009). Revisiting a Honduran landscape described by Robert West: An experiment in repeat geography. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 7-27.

Chaney, J. (2012). Malleable Identities: Placing the Garínagu in New Orleans. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 121-144.

Clouser, R. (2009). Remnants of terror: landscapes of fear in post-conflict Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 7-22.

Dunn, M. A., & Smith, D. A. (2011). The Spatial Patterns of Miskitu Hunting in Northeastern Honduras: Lessons for Wildlife Management in Tropical Forests. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 85-108.

Fahrenbruch, M. L., & Cochran Jr, D. M. (2014). Waiting for the Wave: Assessing the Vulnerability of Tourism in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua, to Tsunamis. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 11-35.

Hartmann, C. D. (2012). Uneven Urban Spaces: Accessing Trash in Managua, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 143-163.

Henderson, E., Nolin, C., & Peccerelli, F. (2014). Dignifying a Bare Life and Making Place through Exhumation: Cobán CREOMPAZ Former Military Garrison, Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 97-116.

Huff, L. A. (2006). Sacred sustenance: Maize, storytelling, and a Maya sense of place. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 79-96.

Mack, T. E. (2011). Cultural Maladaptation and Preadaptation in Colonial Honduras: Spaniards vs Black Caribs, 1787-1821. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 177-193.

Miyares, I. M., Wright, R., Mountz, A., Bailey, A. J., & Jonak, J. (2003). The interrupted circle: Truncated transnationalism and the Salvadoran experience. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 74-86.

Otterstrom, S. M. (2008). Nicaraguan migrants in Costa Rica during the 1990s: Gender differences and geographic expansion. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 7-33.

Pedersen, A. (2014). Landscapes of Resistance: Community Opposition to Canadian Mining Operations in Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 187-214.

Runk, J. V. (2012). Indigenous land and environmental conflicts in Panama: Neoliberal multiculturalism, changing legislation, and human rights. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 21-47.

Sampeck, K. E. (2014). Making the Municipio: Political Geographies in Colonial Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 153-179.

Sánchez, L. (2007). Splitting the Country: the case of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 7-23.

Tellman, B., Gray, L. C., & Bacon, C. M. (2011). Not Fair Enough: Historic and Institutional Barriers to Fair Trade Coffee in El Salvador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 107-127.

Warf, B. (2010). Do you know the way to San José? Medical tourism in Costa Rica. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 51-66.

Human Environment Interactions

Alvarado, N. A., & Taylor, M. J. (2014). ¿ Del mar quién es dueño?: Artisanal Fisheries, Tourism Development and the Struggles over Access to Marine Resources in Gigante, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 37-62.

Barrera, L. C., & Aliphat, M. (2006). Cacao, vanilla and annatto: Three production and exchange systems in the southern Maya lowlands, XVI-XVII centuries. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 29-52.

Bass, J. J. (2004). Incidental agroforestry in Honduras: the jícaro tree (Crescentia spp.) and pasture land use. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 67-80.

Basurto, X., & Jiménez-Pérez, I. (2013). Institutional Arrangements for Adaptive Governance of Biodiversity Conservation: The Experience of the Area de Conservación de Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 111-134.

Carr, D. L., & Barbieri, A. F. (2006). Población, tenencia de tierra, uso del suelo, y deforestación en el Parque Nacional Sierra de Lacandon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 97-112.

Cochran, D. M. (2008). Who will work the land? National integration, cash economies, and the future of shifting cultivation in the Honduran Mosquitia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 57-84.

Herrera-Rodríguez, M. (2013). Sustainable Development in Costa Rica: A Geographic Critique. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 193-219.

Lansing, D. (2009). The spaces of social capital: livelihood geographies and marine conservation in the Cayos Cochinos Marine Protected Area, Honduras. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 29-54.

Monterroso, I., & Larson, A. M. (2013). The Dynamic Forest Commons of Central America: New Directions for Research. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 87-110.

Revels, C. S. (2003). Concessions, Conflict, and the Rebirth of the Honduran Mahogany Trade. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 1-17.

Sinreich, L., & Cupples, J. (2014). Collaborating with a Muddy Road and an Ailing Forest: The Construction of Ecological Citizenship in San Francisco Libre, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 63-85.

Spalding, A. K. (2013). Environmental Outcomes of Lifestyle Migration: Land Cover Change and Land Use Transitions in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago in Panama. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 179-202.

Sutton, L., & Restrepo, C. (2013). Natural Hazards, Diverse Economy and Livelihoods in the Sierra de las Minas, Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 137-164.

Valencia, D. H., Riera, E. M., & i Juncà, M. B. (2012). Participatory Action Research Applied to the Management of Natural Areas: The Case Study of Cinquera in El Salvador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 45-65.

vonHedemann, N., Osborne, T. (2016). State Forestry Incentives and Community Stewardship: A Political Ecology of Payments and Compensation for Ecosystem Services in Guatemala’s Highlands. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 83-110.

Culture, Tourism, & Migration

Arciniega, R. S. (2012). Participación de Mujeres en el Mercado Laboral del Estado de México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 121-141.

Bray, D. B. (2013). When the State Supplies the Commons: Origins, Changes, and Design of Mexico’s Common Property Regime. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 33-55.

Burkham, J. M. (2012). The City Will Come to Us: Development Discourse and the New Rurality in Atotonilco El Bajo, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 25-43.

Burkham, J. M. (2014). The End of Migration from Atotonilco El Bajo to Milwaukee: Breakdown of a Transnational Labor Market. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 113-136.

Cabrales Barajas, L. F. (2005). The historic center of Morelia: a case of successful negotiation. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 35-56.

Campuzano, E. P., Tello, C. A., & Everitt, J. C. (2014). Spatial Segregation in a Tourist City: The Case of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 87-112.

Carrión, I. A. D. (2013). ” Nosotras también hacíamos descenso”: Rescatando la participación de las mujeres en el descenso de río con fines turísticos y deportivos en Jalcomulco (Veracruz, México). Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 151-170.

Celis, M. D. P. F., & Villarroel, S. M. O. (2013). La construcción social del espacio y los componentes de la satisfacción en el programa urbano” Bando Dos” en la Ciudad de México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 171-192.

Dixon, S. (2010). Making Mexico More” Latin”: National Identity, Statuary and Heritage in Mexico City’s Monument to Independence. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 119-138.

Driever, S. L. (2013). From Travel to Tourism: Harry Franck’s Writing on Mexico (1916–1940). Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 7-33.

Fernández-Christlieb, F., & Ramírez-Ruiz, M. (2016). El concepto de” paisaje” en lengua castellana: Una hipótesis geográfica de sus equivalencias en la Nueva España de los siglos XVI y XVII. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 79-99.

Gravel, N. (2007). Mexican smallholders adrift: The urgent need for a new social contract in rural Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 77-98.

Hunter, R. (2009). Positionality, perception, and possibility in Mexico’s Valle del Mezquital. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 49-69.

Judkins, G. (2007). Persistence of the US-Mexico border: expansion of medical-tourism amid trade liberalization. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 11-32.

Kelly, J. H., Herlihy, P. H., Smith, D. A., Viera, A. R., Hilburn, A. M., & Cendejas, G. A. H. (2010). Indigenous territoriality at the end of the social property era in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 161-181.

Klooster, D. (2013). The Impact of Trans-National Migration on Commons Management among Mexican Indigenous Communities. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 57-86.

Marr, P., & Sutton, C. (2004). Demographic Changes in the Purépecha Region of Michoacán, Mexico: 1970-2000. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 52-66.

Navarrete, M. (2008). Garment Maquiladoras in Rural Yucatán: An Environmental Tale. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 105-132.

Nelson, L. (2006). Artesanía, mobility and the crafting of indigenous identities among Purhépechan women in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography,5(1), 51-77.

Puyo, J. Y. (2010). The French Military Confront Mexico’s Geography: the Expedition of 1862-67. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 139-157.

Radel, C., & Schmook, B. (2008). Male transnational migration and its linkages to land-use change in a southern Campeche ejido. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 59-84.

Salinas, R. I. G. (2012). Mexico City’s Symbolic Geography: The Processions of Our Lady of Remedios. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 145-173.

Sertzen, P. K., & Torres, R. M. (2016). Dibujando el” Otro Lado”: Mexican Children’s Perceptions of Migration to the United States. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 55-77.

Sizzo, I. A. (2013). Colonial y animado: percepción del Centro Histórico de Morelia entre los residentes de la ciudad. Journal of Latin American Geography,12(3), 113-135.

Slack, J., Martínez, D. E., Lee, A. E., & Whiteford, S. (2016). The Geography of Border Militarization: Violence, Death and Health in Mexico and the United States. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 7-32.

Smith, L. C. (2006). Mobilizing Indigenous Video: the Mexican Case. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 113-128.

Soto, V., & Banister, J. M. (2016). Building Cities, Constructing Citizens: Sustainable Rural Cities in Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 111-131.

Taylor, M. J. (2008). The Mesquite Economy in the Mexican-American Borderlands. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 133-149.

Verduzco, B. (2008). Explaining Variations in Environmental Activism on the United State-Mexico Border. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 151-175.

Walker, M. A. (2014). ‘Everybody Wants to Avoid Mexico’: NGOs and Border Geographies. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 137-158.

Warf, B. (2009). Diverse spatialities of the Latin American and Caribbean internet. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 125-145.

Warf, B. (2014). Geographies of E-Government in Latin America and the Caribbean. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 169-185.

Wohlgemuth, N. H. M. (2014). Alternatives to Rural Development: Organic Agriculture and Indigenous Communities in Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 67-88.

Human Environment Interactions

Aguilar Robledo, M. (2004). Formation of the Miraflores Hacienda: Lands, Indians, and livestock in eastern New Spain at the end of the sixteenth century. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 87-110.

Aguilar, A. G., & López, F. M. (2009). Water Insecurity among the urban poor in the peri-urban zone of Xochimilco, México City. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 97-123.

Barrera-Bassols, N., & Toledo, V. M. (2005). Ethnoecology of the Yucatec Maya: symbolism, knowledge and management of natural resources. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 9-41.

Brenner, L., & Job, H. (2006). Actor-Management of Protected Areas and Ecotourism in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 7-27.

Camacho, X. C., Pérez, O. R., Martínez, J. F., & Robledo, M. A. (2014). Distribución Espacial de la Biodiversidad en el Estado de San Luis Potosí, México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 11-39.

Christie, M. E. (2007). Naturaleza y sociedad desde la perspectiva de la cocina tradicional Mexicana: Género, adaptación y resistencia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 1(1), 21-54.

Enrico, A., Brehm, K., Teachout, A., Morgan, E., Kiendl, C., Vasquez, K., & Biles, J. J. (2007). Globalization of food retailing and transformation of supply networks: Consequences for small-scale agricultural producers in southeastern Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 55-75.

Fry, M. (2008). Mexico’s concrete block landscape: A modern legacy in the vernacular. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 35-58.

Garibay, C., Boni, A., Panico, F., Urquijo, P., & Klooster, D. (2011). Unequal partners, unequal exchange: Goldcorp, the Mexican State, and Campesino dispossession at the Peñasquito goldmine. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 153-176.

Garza Merodio, G. G. (2006). Technological innovation and the expansion of Mexico City, 1870-1920. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 109-126.

Harner, J. (2007). Globalization of food retailing in Guadalajara, Mexico: Changes in access equity and social engagement. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 33-53.

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Culture, Tourism, & Migration

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Human Environment Interactions

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Physical Geography



Tom L. Martinson, pp. 1-2

Developments in Brazilian Geography During the Twentieth Century

Kempton E. Webb, pp. 3-10

Population, Migration, & Urbanization

CLAG at Age Twenty


Our Charge for the 1990s

John P. Augelli, pp. 365-368



Tom L. Martinson and Gary S. Elbow, pp. 1-3

CLAG Honors

James J. Parson

Carl L. Johanessen, pp. 4-5

Robert C. West

Peter W. Rees, p. 6

Robert L. Carmin

Peter W. Rees, p. 7

Opening Presentation

Research Methodology


Robert L. Carmin, Tom Martinson & Barry Lentnek, pp. ii-v

Opening Presentation

Aboriginal & Peasant Cultures

Commercial & Primary Activities

Commercial Agriculture

Edmund E. Hagen, Don R. Hoy, and Ernst Griffin, pp. 182-208

Latin America in the 1960s: The Geography of Minerals

Clarence W. Minkel, pp. 209-214

Research on Forests and Man in Latin Americas

Joshua C. Dickinson III, pp. 215-219

Physical Geography

Urban, Transportation & Industrial Geography

Spatial Factors in Development Planning

Mapping Spatial Factors for Development Planning

Richard P. Momsen, Jr., pp. 397-401

Basic Issues in the Process of Development in Latin America

Harold T. Jorgenson, pp. 402-411

Quasi-Economic Political Units in Latin America

Edward Marasciulo, pp. 412-414

Culture, Tourism, & Migration.

Brady, S. (2009). Revisiting a Honduran landscape described by Robert West: An experiment in repeat geography. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 7-27.

Chaney, J. (2012). Malleable Identities: Placing the Garínagu in New Orleans. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 121-144.

Clouser, R. (2009). Remnants of terror: landscapes of fear in post-conflict Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 7-22.

Dunn, M. A., & Smith, D. A. (2011). The Spatial Patterns of Miskitu Hunting in Northeastern Honduras: Lessons for Wildlife Management in Tropical Forests. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 85-108.

Fahrenbruch, M. L., & Cochran Jr, D. M. (2014). Waiting for the Wave: Assessing the Vulnerability of Tourism in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua, to Tsunamis. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 11-35.

Hartmann, C. D. (2012). Uneven Urban Spaces: Accessing Trash in Managua, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 143-163.

Henderson, E., Nolin, C., & Peccerelli, F. (2014). Dignifying a Bare Life and Making Place through Exhumation: Cobán CREOMPAZ Former Military Garrison, Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 97-116.

Huff, L. A. (2006). Sacred sustenance: Maize, storytelling, and a Maya sense of place. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 79-96.

Mack, T. E. (2011). Cultural Maladaptation and Preadaptation in Colonial Honduras: Spaniards vs Black Caribs, 1787-1821. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 177-193.

Miyares, I. M., Wright, R., Mountz, A., Bailey, A. J., & Jonak, J. (2003). The interrupted circle: Truncated transnationalism and the Salvadoran experience. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 74-86.

Otterstrom, S. M. (2008). Nicaraguan migrants in Costa Rica during the 1990s: Gender differences and geographic expansion. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 7-33.

Pedersen, A. (2014). Landscapes of Resistance: Community Opposition to Canadian Mining Operations in Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 187-214.

Runk, J. V. (2012). Indigenous land and environmental conflicts in Panama: Neoliberal multiculturalism, changing legislation, and human rights. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 21-47.

Sampeck, K. E. (2014). Making the Municipio: Political Geographies in Colonial Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 153-179.

Sánchez, L. (2007). Splitting the Country: the case of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 7-23.

Tellman, B., Gray, L. C., & Bacon, C. M. (2011). Not Fair Enough: Historic and Institutional Barriers to Fair Trade Coffee in El Salvador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 107-127.

Warf, B. (2010). Do you know the way to San José? Medical tourism in Costa Rica. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 51-66.

Human Environment Interactions

Alvarado, N. A., & Taylor, M. J. (2014). ¿ Del mar quién es dueño?: Artisanal Fisheries, Tourism Development and the Struggles over Access to Marine Resources in Gigante, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 37-62.

Barrera, L. C., & Aliphat, M. (2006). Cacao, vanilla and annatto: Three production and exchange systems in the southern Maya lowlands, XVI-XVII centuries. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 29-52.

Bass, J. J. (2004). Incidental agroforestry in Honduras: the jícaro tree (Crescentia spp.) and pasture land use. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 67-80.

Basurto, X., & Jiménez-Pérez, I. (2013). Institutional Arrangements for Adaptive Governance of Biodiversity Conservation: The Experience of the Area de Conservación de Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 111-134.

Carr, D. L., & Barbieri, A. F. (2006). Población, tenencia de tierra, uso del suelo, y deforestación en el Parque Nacional Sierra de Lacandon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 97-112.

Cochran, D. M. (2008). Who will work the land? National integration, cash economies, and the future of shifting cultivation in the Honduran Mosquitia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 57-84.

Herrera-Rodríguez, M. (2013). Sustainable Development in Costa Rica: A Geographic Critique. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 193-219.

Lansing, D. (2009). The spaces of social capital: livelihood geographies and marine conservation in the Cayos Cochinos Marine Protected Area, Honduras. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 29-54.

Monterroso, I., & Larson, A. M. (2013). The Dynamic Forest Commons of Central America: New Directions for Research. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 87-110.

Revels, C. S. (2003). Concessions, Conflict, and the Rebirth of the Honduran Mahogany Trade. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 1-17.

Sinreich, L., & Cupples, J. (2014). Collaborating with a Muddy Road and an Ailing Forest: The Construction of Ecological Citizenship in San Francisco Libre, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 63-85.

Spalding, A. K. (2013). Environmental Outcomes of Lifestyle Migration: Land Cover Change and Land Use Transitions in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago in Panama. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 179-202.

Sutton, L., & Restrepo, C. (2013). Natural Hazards, Diverse Economy and Livelihoods in the Sierra de las Minas, Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 137-164.

Valencia, D. H., Riera, E. M., & i Juncà, M. B. (2012). Participatory Action Research Applied to the Management of Natural Areas: The Case Study of Cinquera in El Salvador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 45-65.

vonHedemann, N., Osborne, T. (2016). State Forestry Incentives and Community Stewardship: A Political Ecology of Payments and Compensation for Ecosystem Services in Guatemala’s Highlands. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 83-110.

Culture, Tourism, & Migration

Arciniega, R. S. (2012). Participación de Mujeres en el Mercado Laboral del Estado de México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 121-141.

Bray, D. B. (2013). When the State Supplies the Commons: Origins, Changes, and Design of Mexico’s Common Property Regime. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 33-55.

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Human Environment Interactions

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Culture, Tourism, & Migration

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Human Environment Interactions

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Wernke, S. A. (2010). A Reduced Landscape: Toward a Multi-Causal Understanding of Historic Period Agricultural Deintensification in Highland Peru. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 51-83.

Wilcox-Moore, K., Brannstrom, C., Sorice, M. G., & Kreuter, U. P. (2011). The Influence of Socioeconomic Status and Fuelwood Access on Domestic Fuelwood Use in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 195-216.

Physical Geography



Tom L. Martinson, pp. 1-2

Developments in Brazilian Geography During the Twentieth Century

Kempton E. Webb, pp. 3-10

Population, Migration, & Urbanization

CLAG at Age Twenty


Our Charge for the 1990s

John P. Augelli, pp. 365-368



Tom L. Martinson and Gary S. Elbow, pp. 1-3

CLAG Honors

James J. Parson

Carl L. Johanessen, pp. 4-5

Robert C. West

Peter W. Rees, p. 6

Robert L. Carmin

Peter W. Rees, p. 7

Opening Presentation

Research Methodology


Robert L. Carmin, Tom Martinson & Barry Lentnek, pp. ii-v

Opening Presentation

Aboriginal & Peasant Cultures

Commercial & Primary Activities

Commercial Agriculture

Edmund E. Hagen, Don R. Hoy, and Ernst Griffin, pp. 182-208

Latin America in the 1960s: The Geography of Minerals

Clarence W. Minkel, pp. 209-214

Research on Forests and Man in Latin Americas

Joshua C. Dickinson III, pp. 215-219

Physical Geography

Urban, Transportation & Industrial Geography

Spatial Factors in Development Planning

Mapping Spatial Factors for Development Planning

Richard P. Momsen, Jr., pp. 397-401

Basic Issues in the Process of Development in Latin America

Harold T. Jorgenson, pp. 402-411

Quasi-Economic Political Units in Latin America

Edward Marasciulo, pp. 412-414

Culture, Tourism, & Migration.

Brady, S. (2009). Revisiting a Honduran landscape described by Robert West: An experiment in repeat geography. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 7-27.

Chaney, J. (2012). Malleable Identities: Placing the Garínagu in New Orleans. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 121-144.

Clouser, R. (2009). Remnants of terror: landscapes of fear in post-conflict Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 7-22.

Dunn, M. A., & Smith, D. A. (2011). The Spatial Patterns of Miskitu Hunting in Northeastern Honduras: Lessons for Wildlife Management in Tropical Forests. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 85-108.

Fahrenbruch, M. L., & Cochran Jr, D. M. (2014). Waiting for the Wave: Assessing the Vulnerability of Tourism in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua, to Tsunamis. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 11-35.

Hartmann, C. D. (2012). Uneven Urban Spaces: Accessing Trash in Managua, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 143-163.

Henderson, E., Nolin, C., & Peccerelli, F. (2014). Dignifying a Bare Life and Making Place through Exhumation: Cobán CREOMPAZ Former Military Garrison, Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 97-116.

Huff, L. A. (2006). Sacred sustenance: Maize, storytelling, and a Maya sense of place. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 79-96.

Mack, T. E. (2011). Cultural Maladaptation and Preadaptation in Colonial Honduras: Spaniards vs Black Caribs, 1787-1821. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 177-193.

Miyares, I. M., Wright, R., Mountz, A., Bailey, A. J., & Jonak, J. (2003). The interrupted circle: Truncated transnationalism and the Salvadoran experience. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 74-86.

Otterstrom, S. M. (2008). Nicaraguan migrants in Costa Rica during the 1990s: Gender differences and geographic expansion. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 7-33.

Pedersen, A. (2014). Landscapes of Resistance: Community Opposition to Canadian Mining Operations in Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 187-214.

Runk, J. V. (2012). Indigenous land and environmental conflicts in Panama: Neoliberal multiculturalism, changing legislation, and human rights. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 21-47.

Sampeck, K. E. (2014). Making the Municipio: Political Geographies in Colonial Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 153-179.

Sánchez, L. (2007). Splitting the Country: the case of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 7-23.

Tellman, B., Gray, L. C., & Bacon, C. M. (2011). Not Fair Enough: Historic and Institutional Barriers to Fair Trade Coffee in El Salvador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 107-127.

Warf, B. (2010). Do you know the way to San José? Medical tourism in Costa Rica. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 51-66.

Human Environment Interactions

Alvarado, N. A., & Taylor, M. J. (2014). ¿ Del mar quién es dueño?: Artisanal Fisheries, Tourism Development and the Struggles over Access to Marine Resources in Gigante, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 37-62.

Barrera, L. C., & Aliphat, M. (2006). Cacao, vanilla and annatto: Three production and exchange systems in the southern Maya lowlands, XVI-XVII centuries. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 29-52.

Bass, J. J. (2004). Incidental agroforestry in Honduras: the jícaro tree (Crescentia spp.) and pasture land use. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 67-80.

Basurto, X., & Jiménez-Pérez, I. (2013). Institutional Arrangements for Adaptive Governance of Biodiversity Conservation: The Experience of the Area de Conservación de Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 111-134.

Carr, D. L., & Barbieri, A. F. (2006). Población, tenencia de tierra, uso del suelo, y deforestación en el Parque Nacional Sierra de Lacandon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 97-112.

Cochran, D. M. (2008). Who will work the land? National integration, cash economies, and the future of shifting cultivation in the Honduran Mosquitia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 57-84.

Herrera-Rodríguez, M. (2013). Sustainable Development in Costa Rica: A Geographic Critique. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 193-219.

Lansing, D. (2009). The spaces of social capital: livelihood geographies and marine conservation in the Cayos Cochinos Marine Protected Area, Honduras. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 29-54.

Monterroso, I., & Larson, A. M. (2013). The Dynamic Forest Commons of Central America: New Directions for Research. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 87-110.

Revels, C. S. (2003). Concessions, Conflict, and the Rebirth of the Honduran Mahogany Trade. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 1-17.

Sinreich, L., & Cupples, J. (2014). Collaborating with a Muddy Road and an Ailing Forest: The Construction of Ecological Citizenship in San Francisco Libre, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 63-85.

Spalding, A. K. (2013). Environmental Outcomes of Lifestyle Migration: Land Cover Change and Land Use Transitions in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago in Panama. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 179-202.

Sutton, L., & Restrepo, C. (2013). Natural Hazards, Diverse Economy and Livelihoods in the Sierra de las Minas, Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 137-164.

Valencia, D. H., Riera, E. M., & i Juncà, M. B. (2012). Participatory Action Research Applied to the Management of Natural Areas: The Case Study of Cinquera in El Salvador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 45-65.

vonHedemann, N., Osborne, T. (2016). State Forestry Incentives and Community Stewardship: A Political Ecology of Payments and Compensation for Ecosystem Services in Guatemala’s Highlands. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 83-110.

Culture, Tourism, & Migration

Arciniega, R. S. (2012). Participación de Mujeres en el Mercado Laboral del Estado de México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 121-141.

Bray, D. B. (2013). When the State Supplies the Commons: Origins, Changes, and Design of Mexico’s Common Property Regime. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 33-55.

Burkham, J. M. (2012). The City Will Come to Us: Development Discourse and the New Rurality in Atotonilco El Bajo, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 25-43.

Burkham, J. M. (2014). The End of Migration from Atotonilco El Bajo to Milwaukee: Breakdown of a Transnational Labor Market. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 113-136.

Cabrales Barajas, L. F. (2005). The historic center of Morelia: a case of successful negotiation. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 35-56.

Campuzano, E. P., Tello, C. A., & Everitt, J. C. (2014). Spatial Segregation in a Tourist City: The Case of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 87-112.

Carrión, I. A. D. (2013). ” Nosotras también hacíamos descenso”: Rescatando la participación de las mujeres en el descenso de río con fines turísticos y deportivos en Jalcomulco (Veracruz, México). Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 151-170.

Celis, M. D. P. F., & Villarroel, S. M. O. (2013). La construcción social del espacio y los componentes de la satisfacción en el programa urbano” Bando Dos” en la Ciudad de México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 171-192.

Dixon, S. (2010). Making Mexico More” Latin”: National Identity, Statuary and Heritage in Mexico City’s Monument to Independence. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 119-138.

Driever, S. L. (2013). From Travel to Tourism: Harry Franck’s Writing on Mexico (1916–1940). Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 7-33.

Fernández-Christlieb, F., & Ramírez-Ruiz, M. (2016). El concepto de” paisaje” en lengua castellana: Una hipótesis geográfica de sus equivalencias en la Nueva España de los siglos XVI y XVII. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 79-99.

Gravel, N. (2007). Mexican smallholders adrift: The urgent need for a new social contract in rural Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 77-98.

Hunter, R. (2009). Positionality, perception, and possibility in Mexico’s Valle del Mezquital. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 49-69.

Judkins, G. (2007). Persistence of the US-Mexico border: expansion of medical-tourism amid trade liberalization. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 11-32.

Kelly, J. H., Herlihy, P. H., Smith, D. A., Viera, A. R., Hilburn, A. M., & Cendejas, G. A. H. (2010). Indigenous territoriality at the end of the social property era in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 161-181.

Klooster, D. (2013). The Impact of Trans-National Migration on Commons Management among Mexican Indigenous Communities. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 57-86.

Marr, P., & Sutton, C. (2004). Demographic Changes in the Purépecha Region of Michoacán, Mexico: 1970-2000. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 52-66.

Navarrete, M. (2008). Garment Maquiladoras in Rural Yucatán: An Environmental Tale. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 105-132.

Nelson, L. (2006). Artesanía, mobility and the crafting of indigenous identities among Purhépechan women in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography,5(1), 51-77.

Puyo, J. Y. (2010). The French Military Confront Mexico’s Geography: the Expedition of 1862-67. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 139-157.

Radel, C., & Schmook, B. (2008). Male transnational migration and its linkages to land-use change in a southern Campeche ejido. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 59-84.

Salinas, R. I. G. (2012). Mexico City’s Symbolic Geography: The Processions of Our Lady of Remedios. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 145-173.

Sertzen, P. K., & Torres, R. M. (2016). Dibujando el” Otro Lado”: Mexican Children’s Perceptions of Migration to the United States. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 55-77.

Sizzo, I. A. (2013). Colonial y animado: percepción del Centro Histórico de Morelia entre los residentes de la ciudad. Journal of Latin American Geography,12(3), 113-135.

Slack, J., Martínez, D. E., Lee, A. E., & Whiteford, S. (2016). The Geography of Border Militarization: Violence, Death and Health in Mexico and the United States. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 7-32.

Smith, L. C. (2006). Mobilizing Indigenous Video: the Mexican Case. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 113-128.

Soto, V., & Banister, J. M. (2016). Building Cities, Constructing Citizens: Sustainable Rural Cities in Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 111-131.

Taylor, M. J. (2008). The Mesquite Economy in the Mexican-American Borderlands. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 133-149.

Verduzco, B. (2008). Explaining Variations in Environmental Activism on the United State-Mexico Border. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 151-175.

Walker, M. A. (2014). ‘Everybody Wants to Avoid Mexico’: NGOs and Border Geographies. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 137-158.

Warf, B. (2009). Diverse spatialities of the Latin American and Caribbean internet. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 125-145.

Warf, B. (2014). Geographies of E-Government in Latin America and the Caribbean. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 169-185.

Wohlgemuth, N. H. M. (2014). Alternatives to Rural Development: Organic Agriculture and Indigenous Communities in Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 67-88.

Human Environment Interactions

Aguilar Robledo, M. (2004). Formation of the Miraflores Hacienda: Lands, Indians, and livestock in eastern New Spain at the end of the sixteenth century. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 87-110.

Aguilar, A. G., & López, F. M. (2009). Water Insecurity among the urban poor in the peri-urban zone of Xochimilco, México City. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 97-123.

Barrera-Bassols, N., & Toledo, V. M. (2005). Ethnoecology of the Yucatec Maya: symbolism, knowledge and management of natural resources. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 9-41.

Brenner, L., & Job, H. (2006). Actor-Management of Protected Areas and Ecotourism in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 7-27.

Camacho, X. C., Pérez, O. R., Martínez, J. F., & Robledo, M. A. (2014). Distribución Espacial de la Biodiversidad en el Estado de San Luis Potosí, México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 11-39.

Christie, M. E. (2007). Naturaleza y sociedad desde la perspectiva de la cocina tradicional Mexicana: Género, adaptación y resistencia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 1(1), 21-54.

Enrico, A., Brehm, K., Teachout, A., Morgan, E., Kiendl, C., Vasquez, K., & Biles, J. J. (2007). Globalization of food retailing and transformation of supply networks: Consequences for small-scale agricultural producers in southeastern Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 55-75.

Fry, M. (2008). Mexico’s concrete block landscape: A modern legacy in the vernacular. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 35-58.

Garibay, C., Boni, A., Panico, F., Urquijo, P., & Klooster, D. (2011). Unequal partners, unequal exchange: Goldcorp, the Mexican State, and Campesino dispossession at the Peñasquito goldmine. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 153-176.

Garza Merodio, G. G. (2006). Technological innovation and the expansion of Mexico City, 1870-1920. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 109-126.

Harner, J. (2007). Globalization of food retailing in Guadalajara, Mexico: Changes in access equity and social engagement. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 33-53.

Hausermann, H., & Eakin, H. (2008). Producing” viable” landscapes and livelihoods in central Veracruz, Mexico: institutional and producer responses to the coffee commodity crisis. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 109-131.

Isaac-Márquez, R., Valladares, J. L. S., Spencer, A. E., Arcipreste, M. E. A., Aguilar, M. A. A., Márquez, A. P. I., & González, M. C. S. (2016). Impactos Sociales y Ambientales de la Palma de Aceite: Perspectiva de los Campesinos en Campeche, México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 123-146.

Keleman, A., & Hellin, J. (2009). Specialty maize varieties in Mexico: a case study in market-driven agro-biodiversity conservation. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 147-174.

LaFevor, M. C. (2012). Sulphur Mining on Mexico’s Popocatépetl Volcano (1820–1920): Origins, Development, and Human-Environmental Challenges. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 79-98.

Lerner, A. M., & Appendini, K. (2011). Dimensions of peri-urban maize production in the toluca-atlacomulco valley, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 87-106.

López, J. F. (2012). “In the Art of My Profession”: Adrian Boot and Dutch Water Management in Colonial Mexico City. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 35-60.

McAfee, K. (2003). Corn culture and dangerous DNA: Real and imagined consequences of maize transgene flow in Oaxaca. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 18-42.

Myint, S. W., Jain, J., & Guhathakurta, S. (2010). Patterns and Rates of Land Use Land Cover Change: A Case Study of Ambos Nogales (Arizona and Sonora), 1985-2004. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 245-274.

Perevochtchikova, M., & de la Torre, J. L. L. (2010). Causas de un desastre: Inundaciones del 2007 en Tabasco, México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 73-98.

Perramond, E. P. (2005). The politics of ecology: local knowledge and wild chili collection in Sonora, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 59-75.

Radel, C. (2005). Women’s community-based organizations, conservation projects, and effective land control in southern Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 7-34.

Roy Chowdhury, R., & Keys, E. (2006). Cash crops, smallholder decision-making and institutional interactions in a closing frontier: Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 75-90.

Sánchez, A. T., & Perevochtchikova, M. (2012). La gestión del agua y el desarrollo de indicadores ambientales en México y Canadá: un análisis comparativo. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 145-165.

Schneider, L. C. (2006). Invasive species and land-use: the effect of land management practices on bracken fern invasion in the region of Calakmul, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 92-107.

Smith, D. A., Herlihy, P. H., Kelly, J. H., & Viera, A. R. (2009). The certification and privatization of indigenous lands in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 175-207.

Urquijo, P. S., & Bocco, G. (2011). Los estudios de paisaje y su importancia en México, 1970-2010. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 37-63.

Culture, Tourism, & Migration

Aldrich, S. P. (2012). Contested Groves: Forest Reserves and Land Conflict in the Eastern Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 73-101.

Angel, M. H. (2006). Las bases prehispánicas de la configuración territorial de la Provincia de Popayán en el periodo colonial. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 53-73.

Angel, M. H., Arbeláez, S. M., & Cisneros, S. P. (2012). Geographies of the Name: Naming Practices among the Muisca and Páez in the Audiencias of Santafé and Quito, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 91-115.

Azócar, G., Sanhueza, R., Aguayo, M., Romero, H., & Muñoz, M. D. (2005). Conflicts for control of Mapuche-Pehuenche land and natural resources in the Biobío highlands, Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 57-76.

Bockelman, B. (2012). Along the Waterfront: Alejandro Malaspina, Fernando Brambila, and the Invention of the Buenos Aires Cityscape, 1789-1809. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 61-88.

Buzai, G. D. (2013). Technological Dependency and the Internet: Latin American Access from Buenos Aires, 2001–2013. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 165-177.

Buzai, G. D., & Marcos, M. (2012). The Social Map of Greater Buenos Aires as Empirical Evidence of Urban Models. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 67-78.

Conway-Gómez, K. (2008). Market integration, perceived wealth and household consumption of river turtles (Podocnemis spp.) in eastern lowland Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 85-108.

Corby, J. H. K. (2010). For Members and Markets: Neoliberalism and Cooperativism in Mendoza’s Wine Industry. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 27-47.

Cowie, H. (2011). A Creole in Paris and a Spaniard in Paraguay: Geographies of Natural History in the Hispanic World (1750-1808). Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 175-197.

de Carvalho Dumith, R. (2014). Dinâmicas do sistema de gestão na Reserva Extrativista de Canavieiras, Bahia, Brasil: análise da robustez institucional. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 89-116.

Denevan, W. M. (2014). Estimating Amazonian Indian Numbers in 1492. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 207-221.

Denevan, W. M. (2012). Rewriting the Late Pre-European History of Amazonia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 9-24.

Driever, S. L. (2011). Geographic Narratives in the South American Travelogues of Harry A. Franck: 1917-1943. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 53-69.

Fadiman, M. G. (2005). Cultivated Food Plants: Culture and Gendered Spaces of Colonists and the Chachi in Ecuador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 43-57.

Faura, N. D. (2014). The puquina Language in the Early Colonial Southern Andes (1548-1610): A Geographical Analysis. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 181-206.

Finn, J. C. (2014). Soundtrack of a Nation: Race, Place, and Music in Modern Brazil. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 67-95.

Formiga, N. (2007). El derecho a la ciudad y la cuestión del espacio público: Experiencias en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 173-196.

Frank, Z., & Berry, W. (2010). The slave market in Rio de Janeiro circa 1869: Context, movement and social experience. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 85-110.

Freeman, J. (2014). Raising the Flag over Rio de Janeiro’s Favelas: Citizenship and Social Control in the Olympic City. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 7-38.

Gade, D. W. (2006). Paraguay 1975: Thinking back on the fieldwork moment. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 31-49.

Gade, D. W. (2010). Sucre, Bolivia, and the Quiddity of Place. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 99-117.

Gade, D. W. (2013). Llamas and Alpacas as” Sheep” in the Colonial Andes: Zoogeography Meets Eurocentrism. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 221-243.

Irazabal, C. (2004). A Planned City Comes of Age: Rethinking Ciudad Guayana Today. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 22-51.

Keeling, D. J. (2004). Latin American development and the globalization imperative: new directions, familiar crises. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 1-21.

Kneas, D. M. (2016). After-Eden: Narratives of Nature, Degradation, and Poverty in Amazonian Discourse. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 33-53.

Lerch, L. (2014). The Geopolitics of Land: Population, Security and Territory Viewed from the International Financing of the Land Survey in Bolivia (1996-2013). Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 137-168.

Longhi, F. (2014). Desnutrición y Muerte en la Niñez argentina en los Albores del Siglo XXI: Un Análisis Espacial. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 41-65.

López-Morales, E. J. (2010). Real Estate market, state-entrepreneurialism and urban policy in the’gentrification by ground rent dispossession’of Santiago de Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 145-173.

MacDonald, K. (2014). Impacts of the Cattle Industry and Road Development in the Rupununi, Guyana. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 159-182.

Marcus, A. P. (2011). Rethinking Brazil’s place within Latin Americanist geography. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 131-149.

Meza, L. E. (2009). Mapuche struggles for land and the role of private protected areas in Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 149-163.

Narins, T. P. (2013). Ecuadorian State-Capacity Building through Territorial Strategic Asset Management. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 35-61.

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Pedlowski, M. A. (2013). When the State Becomes the Land Grabber: Violence and Dispossession in Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 91-111.

Puyo, J. Y. (2008). Mise en valeur de la Guyane française et peuplement blanc: les espoirs déçus du baron de Laussat (1819-1823). Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 177-202.

Radhuber, I. M. (2012). Indigenous Struggles for a Plurinational State: An Analysis of Indigenous Rights and Competences in Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 167-193.

Rainer, G., & Malizia, M. (2014). Los countries en el country. Migración de amenidad, vino de altura y urbanizaciones cerradas en Cafayate (Salta, Argentina). Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 39-66.

Ravuri, E. D. (2002). Life-Time and Recent Migration to Bolívar State, Venezuela, 1990: The Effect of the Guayana Program. Journal of Latin American Geography, 1(1), 93-109.

Read, J. M., Fragoso, J. M., Silvius, K. M., Luzar, J., Overman, H., Cummings, A., Giery, S. T., & de Oliveira, L. F. (2010). Space, place, and hunting patterns among indigenous peoples of the Guyanese Rupununi region. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 213-243.

Salisbury, D. S., Gutiérrez, L. A. A., Alván, C. L. P., & Alvarado, J. W. V. (2010). Fronteras Vivas or Dead Ends? The Impact of Military Settlement Projects in the Amazon Borderlands. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 49-71.

Saludjian, A. (2005). Critiques du Régionalisme Ouvert à partir de l’économie géographique appliquée au Mercosur. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 77-96.

Schroeder, K. (2007). Economic globalization and Bolivia’s regional divide. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 99-120.

Scott, H. V. (2012). The Contested Spaces of the Subterranean: Colonial Governmentality, Mining, and the Mita in Early Spanish Peru. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 7-33.

Skop, E. H., & Peters, P. A. (2007). Socio-spatial segregation in Metropolitan Lima, Peru. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 149-171.

Valenzuela-Aguilera, A., & Monroy-Ortiz, R. (2014). Formal/Informal/Ilegal: Los Tres Circuitos de la Economía Espacial en América Latina. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 117-135.

Vidal-Koppmann, S. (2009). Fragmentación Socio-espacial en la Periferia de la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 79-97.

Warf, B. (2014). Geographies of E-Government in Latin America and the Caribbean. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 169-185.

Warf, B., & Stewart, S. (2016). Latin American Corruption in Geographic Perspective. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 133-155.

White, J. H. (2013). The Drowned Prostitute: National Development, Public Morality, and the Shifting Geography of Sexual Commerce in Alto Paraná, Paraguay, 1974–1982. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 125-149.

Whitson, R. (2007). Beyond the Crisis: Economic globalization and informal work in urban Argentina. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 121-136.

WinklerPrins, A. M., & de Souza, P. S. (2005). Surviving the city: urban home gardens and the economy of affection in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 107-126.

Yarnall, K., & Price, M. (2010). Migration, development and a new rurality in the Valle Alto, Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 107-124.

Human Environment Interactions

Aldrich, S. P., Simmons, C. S., Perz, S. G., Walker, R. T., & Caldas, M. M. (2007). Spatial processes in scalar context: development and security in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 125-148.

Barsky, A. (2006). Problem of access to land for Bolivian horticultural producers in the transitional zone of Western Greater Buenos Aires. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 127-131.

Bebbington, D. H. (2012). Consultation, Compensation and Conflict: Natural Gas Extraction in Weenhayek Territory, Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 49-71.

Bury, J. T. (2002). Livelihoods, mining and peasant protests in the Peruvian Andes. Journal of Latin American Geography, 1(1), 1-19.

Caldas, M. M. & Simmons, C. & Walker, R. & Perz, S. & Aldrich, S. & Pereira, R. & Leite, F. & Arima, E.(2010). Settlement Formation and Land Cover and Land Use Change: A Case Study in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 125-144.

Carter, E. D. (2008). Malaria, landscape, and society in northwest Argentina in the early twentieth century. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 7-38.

Celemín, J. P., & Velázquez, G. Á. (2011). Estimación de un índice de calidad ambiental para la Ciudad y Provincia de Buenos Aires. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 71-84.

Farley, K. A. (2010). Pathways to forest transition: Local case studies from the Ecuadorian Andes. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 7-26.

García, C., Tavera-Escobar, H., Vieira, C., Rincón, C., & Rentería, E. (2014). Fostering Ethno-Territorial Autonomy: A Colombian Case Study of Community-based Conservation of Mangroves. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 117-152.

Gomes, C. V. A., Perz, S. G., & Vadjunec, J. M. (2012). Convergence and Contrasts in the Adoption of Cattle Ranching: Comparisons of Smallholder Agriculturalists and Forest Extractivists in the Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 99-120.

Guyot, S. (2011). The Instrumentalization of Participatory Management in Protected Areas: The ethnicization of participation in the Kolla-Atacameña Region of the Central Andes of Argentina and Chile. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 9-36.

Herrador-Valencia, D., & Paredes, M. (2016). Cambio climático y agricultura de pequeña escala en los Andes ecuatorianos: un estudio sobre percepciones locales y estrategias de adaptación. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 101-121.

Keating, P. L. (2007). Fire ecology and conservation in the high tropical Andes: observations from northern Ecuador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 43-62.

Laue, J. E., & Arima, E. (2016). What Drives Downsizing of Protected Areas?: A Case Study of Amazon National Park. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 7-31.

Lauriola, V. M. (2013). Indigenous Lands, Commons, Juridical Pluralism and Sustainability in Brazil: Lessons from the Indigenous Lands of Raposa Serra do Sol. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 157-185.

Lichtenstein, G. (2013). Guanaco Management in Argentina: Taking a Commons Perspective. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 187-213.

MacDonald, K. (2016). “No Trespassing”: Changing and Contested Rights to Land in the Guyanese Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 59-82.

Messina, J. P., & Cochrane, M. A. (2007). The forests are bleeding: How land use change is creating a new fire regime in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 85-100.

Pellegrini, L., & Arismendi, M. O. R. (2012). Consultation, Compensation and Extraction in Bolivia after the’Left Turn’: The Case of Oil Exploration in the North of La Paz Department. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 103-120.

Perz, S. G., Caldas, M., Walker, R., Arima, E., & Souza, C. (2008). Road networks and forest fragmentation in the Amazon: Explanations for local differences with implications for conservation and development. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 85-104.

Powell, R. L., & Roberts, D. A. (2010). Characterizing urban land-cover change in Rondônia, Brazil: 1985 to 2000. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 183-211.

Reboratti, C. (2012). Socio-environmental Conflict in Argentina. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 3-20.

Robson, J. P., & Lichtenstein, G. (2013). Current Trends in Latin American Commons Research. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 5-31.

Sabelli, A. (2011). A New Solution to a Persistent Problem: Addressing Tropical Deforestation with Carbon Forestry Offset Projects. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 109-129.

Seixas, C. S., de Araujo, L. G., & Piccolo, F. B. (2013). Research and Scholarship on Natural Commons in Brazil. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 135-156.

Simmons, C., Walker, R., Perz, S., Arima, E., Aldrich, S., & Caldas, M. (2016). Spatial Patterns of Frontier Settlement: Balancing Conservation and Development. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 33-58.

Simmons, C. S., Walker, R. T., Wood, C. H., Arima, E., & Cochrane, M. A. (2004). Wildfires in Amazonia: A pilot study examining the role of farming systems, social capital, and fire contagion. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 81-95.

Stackhouse, J. (2009). Urban Land Use and the Entrepreneurial State: A case study of Pudahuel, Santiago Chile during the Military Regime (1973-1989). Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 99-127.

Vadjunec, J. M. (2011). Extracting a livelihood: institutional and social dimensions of deforestation in the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve, Acre, Brazil. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 151-174.

Walsh, S. J., McCleary, A. L., Heumann, B. W., Brewington, L., Raczkowski, E. J., & Mena, C. F. (2010). Community expansion and infrastructure development: implications for human health and environmental quality in the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 137-159.

Watkins, C. (2011). Dendezeiro: African Oil Palm Agroecologies in Bahia, Brazil, and Implications for Development. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 9-33.

Wernke, S. A. (2010). A Reduced Landscape: Toward a Multi-Causal Understanding of Historic Period Agricultural Deintensification in Highland Peru. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 51-83.

Wilcox-Moore, K., Brannstrom, C., Sorice, M. G., & Kreuter, U. P. (2011). The Influence of Socioeconomic Status and Fuelwood Access on Domestic Fuelwood Use in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 195-216.

Physical Geography



Tom L. Martinson, pp. 1-2

Developments in Brazilian Geography During the Twentieth Century

Kempton E. Webb, pp. 3-10

Population, Migration, & Urbanization

CLAG at Age Twenty


Our Charge for the 1990s

John P. Augelli, pp. 365-368



Tom L. Martinson and Gary S. Elbow, pp. 1-3

CLAG Honors

James J. Parson

Carl L. Johanessen, pp. 4-5

Robert C. West

Peter W. Rees, p. 6

Robert L. Carmin

Peter W. Rees, p. 7

Opening Presentation

Research Methodology


Robert L. Carmin, Tom Martinson & Barry Lentnek, pp. ii-v

Opening Presentation

Aboriginal & Peasant Cultures

Commercial & Primary Activities

Commercial Agriculture

Edmund E. Hagen, Don R. Hoy, and Ernst Griffin, pp. 182-208

Latin America in the 1960s: The Geography of Minerals

Clarence W. Minkel, pp. 209-214

Research on Forests and Man in Latin Americas

Joshua C. Dickinson III, pp. 215-219

Physical Geography

Urban, Transportation & Industrial Geography

Spatial Factors in Development Planning

Mapping Spatial Factors for Development Planning

Richard P. Momsen, Jr., pp. 397-401

Basic Issues in the Process of Development in Latin America

Harold T. Jorgenson, pp. 402-411

Quasi-Economic Political Units in Latin America

Edward Marasciulo, pp. 412-414

Culture, Tourism, & Migration.

Brady, S. (2009). Revisiting a Honduran landscape described by Robert West: An experiment in repeat geography. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 7-27.

Chaney, J. (2012). Malleable Identities: Placing the Garínagu in New Orleans. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 121-144.

Clouser, R. (2009). Remnants of terror: landscapes of fear in post-conflict Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 7-22.

Dunn, M. A., & Smith, D. A. (2011). The Spatial Patterns of Miskitu Hunting in Northeastern Honduras: Lessons for Wildlife Management in Tropical Forests. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(1), 85-108.

Fahrenbruch, M. L., & Cochran Jr, D. M. (2014). Waiting for the Wave: Assessing the Vulnerability of Tourism in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua, to Tsunamis. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 11-35.

Hartmann, C. D. (2012). Uneven Urban Spaces: Accessing Trash in Managua, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 143-163.

Henderson, E., Nolin, C., & Peccerelli, F. (2014). Dignifying a Bare Life and Making Place through Exhumation: Cobán CREOMPAZ Former Military Garrison, Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 97-116.

Huff, L. A. (2006). Sacred sustenance: Maize, storytelling, and a Maya sense of place. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 79-96.

Mack, T. E. (2011). Cultural Maladaptation and Preadaptation in Colonial Honduras: Spaniards vs Black Caribs, 1787-1821. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 177-193.

Miyares, I. M., Wright, R., Mountz, A., Bailey, A. J., & Jonak, J. (2003). The interrupted circle: Truncated transnationalism and the Salvadoran experience. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 74-86.

Otterstrom, S. M. (2008). Nicaraguan migrants in Costa Rica during the 1990s: Gender differences and geographic expansion. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 7-33.

Pedersen, A. (2014). Landscapes of Resistance: Community Opposition to Canadian Mining Operations in Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 187-214.

Runk, J. V. (2012). Indigenous land and environmental conflicts in Panama: Neoliberal multiculturalism, changing legislation, and human rights. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 21-47.

Sampeck, K. E. (2014). Making the Municipio: Political Geographies in Colonial Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 153-179.

Sánchez, L. (2007). Splitting the Country: the case of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(1), 7-23.

Tellman, B., Gray, L. C., & Bacon, C. M. (2011). Not Fair Enough: Historic and Institutional Barriers to Fair Trade Coffee in El Salvador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 107-127.

Warf, B. (2010). Do you know the way to San José? Medical tourism in Costa Rica. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(1), 51-66.

Human Environment Interactions

Alvarado, N. A., & Taylor, M. J. (2014). ¿ Del mar quién es dueño?: Artisanal Fisheries, Tourism Development and the Struggles over Access to Marine Resources in Gigante, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 37-62.

Barrera, L. C., & Aliphat, M. (2006). Cacao, vanilla and annatto: Three production and exchange systems in the southern Maya lowlands, XVI-XVII centuries. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 29-52.

Bass, J. J. (2004). Incidental agroforestry in Honduras: the jícaro tree (Crescentia spp.) and pasture land use. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 67-80.

Basurto, X., & Jiménez-Pérez, I. (2013). Institutional Arrangements for Adaptive Governance of Biodiversity Conservation: The Experience of the Area de Conservación de Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 111-134.

Carr, D. L., & Barbieri, A. F. (2006). Población, tenencia de tierra, uso del suelo, y deforestación en el Parque Nacional Sierra de Lacandon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 97-112.

Cochran, D. M. (2008). Who will work the land? National integration, cash economies, and the future of shifting cultivation in the Honduran Mosquitia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 57-84.

Herrera-Rodríguez, M. (2013). Sustainable Development in Costa Rica: A Geographic Critique. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 193-219.

Lansing, D. (2009). The spaces of social capital: livelihood geographies and marine conservation in the Cayos Cochinos Marine Protected Area, Honduras. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(1), 29-54.

Monterroso, I., & Larson, A. M. (2013). The Dynamic Forest Commons of Central America: New Directions for Research. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 87-110.

Revels, C. S. (2003). Concessions, Conflict, and the Rebirth of the Honduran Mahogany Trade. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 1-17.

Sinreich, L., & Cupples, J. (2014). Collaborating with a Muddy Road and an Ailing Forest: The Construction of Ecological Citizenship in San Francisco Libre, Nicaragua. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 63-85.

Spalding, A. K. (2013). Environmental Outcomes of Lifestyle Migration: Land Cover Change and Land Use Transitions in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago in Panama. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 179-202.

Sutton, L., & Restrepo, C. (2013). Natural Hazards, Diverse Economy and Livelihoods in the Sierra de las Minas, Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(3), 137-164.

Valencia, D. H., Riera, E. M., & i Juncà, M. B. (2012). Participatory Action Research Applied to the Management of Natural Areas: The Case Study of Cinquera in El Salvador. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 45-65.

vonHedemann, N., Osborne, T. (2016). State Forestry Incentives and Community Stewardship: A Political Ecology of Payments and Compensation for Ecosystem Services in Guatemala’s Highlands. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 83-110.

Culture, Tourism, & Migration

Arciniega, R. S. (2012). Participación de Mujeres en el Mercado Laboral del Estado de México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 121-141.

Bray, D. B. (2013). When the State Supplies the Commons: Origins, Changes, and Design of Mexico’s Common Property Regime. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 33-55.

Burkham, J. M. (2012). The City Will Come to Us: Development Discourse and the New Rurality in Atotonilco El Bajo, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 25-43.

Burkham, J. M. (2014). The End of Migration from Atotonilco El Bajo to Milwaukee: Breakdown of a Transnational Labor Market. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 113-136.

Cabrales Barajas, L. F. (2005). The historic center of Morelia: a case of successful negotiation. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 35-56.

Campuzano, E. P., Tello, C. A., & Everitt, J. C. (2014). Spatial Segregation in a Tourist City: The Case of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 87-112.

Carrión, I. A. D. (2013). ” Nosotras también hacíamos descenso”: Rescatando la participación de las mujeres en el descenso de río con fines turísticos y deportivos en Jalcomulco (Veracruz, México). Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 151-170.

Celis, M. D. P. F., & Villarroel, S. M. O. (2013). La construcción social del espacio y los componentes de la satisfacción en el programa urbano” Bando Dos” en la Ciudad de México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 171-192.

Dixon, S. (2010). Making Mexico More” Latin”: National Identity, Statuary and Heritage in Mexico City’s Monument to Independence. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 119-138.

Driever, S. L. (2013). From Travel to Tourism: Harry Franck’s Writing on Mexico (1916–1940). Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(2), 7-33.

Fernández-Christlieb, F., & Ramírez-Ruiz, M. (2016). El concepto de” paisaje” en lengua castellana: Una hipótesis geográfica de sus equivalencias en la Nueva España de los siglos XVI y XVII. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 79-99.

Gravel, N. (2007). Mexican smallholders adrift: The urgent need for a new social contract in rural Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 77-98.

Hunter, R. (2009). Positionality, perception, and possibility in Mexico’s Valle del Mezquital. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 49-69.

Judkins, G. (2007). Persistence of the US-Mexico border: expansion of medical-tourism amid trade liberalization. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 11-32.

Kelly, J. H., Herlihy, P. H., Smith, D. A., Viera, A. R., Hilburn, A. M., & Cendejas, G. A. H. (2010). Indigenous territoriality at the end of the social property era in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 161-181.

Klooster, D. (2013). The Impact of Trans-National Migration on Commons Management among Mexican Indigenous Communities. Journal of Latin American Geography, 12(1), 57-86.

Marr, P., & Sutton, C. (2004). Demographic Changes in the Purépecha Region of Michoacán, Mexico: 1970-2000. Journal of Latin American Geography, 3(1), 52-66.

Navarrete, M. (2008). Garment Maquiladoras in Rural Yucatán: An Environmental Tale. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 105-132.

Nelson, L. (2006). Artesanía, mobility and the crafting of indigenous identities among Purhépechan women in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography,5(1), 51-77.

Puyo, J. Y. (2010). The French Military Confront Mexico’s Geography: the Expedition of 1862-67. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 139-157.

Radel, C., & Schmook, B. (2008). Male transnational migration and its linkages to land-use change in a southern Campeche ejido. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 59-84.

Salinas, R. I. G. (2012). Mexico City’s Symbolic Geography: The Processions of Our Lady of Remedios. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 145-173.

Sertzen, P. K., & Torres, R. M. (2016). Dibujando el” Otro Lado”: Mexican Children’s Perceptions of Migration to the United States. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 55-77.

Sizzo, I. A. (2013). Colonial y animado: percepción del Centro Histórico de Morelia entre los residentes de la ciudad. Journal of Latin American Geography,12(3), 113-135.

Slack, J., Martínez, D. E., Lee, A. E., & Whiteford, S. (2016). The Geography of Border Militarization: Violence, Death and Health in Mexico and the United States. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 7-32.

Smith, L. C. (2006). Mobilizing Indigenous Video: the Mexican Case. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(1), 113-128.

Soto, V., & Banister, J. M. (2016). Building Cities, Constructing Citizens: Sustainable Rural Cities in Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(1), 111-131.

Taylor, M. J. (2008). The Mesquite Economy in the Mexican-American Borderlands. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 133-149.

Verduzco, B. (2008). Explaining Variations in Environmental Activism on the United State-Mexico Border. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 151-175.

Walker, M. A. (2014). ‘Everybody Wants to Avoid Mexico’: NGOs and Border Geographies. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(3), 137-158.

Warf, B. (2009). Diverse spatialities of the Latin American and Caribbean internet. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 125-145.

Warf, B. (2014). Geographies of E-Government in Latin America and the Caribbean. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 169-185.

Wohlgemuth, N. H. M. (2014). Alternatives to Rural Development: Organic Agriculture and Indigenous Communities in Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(1), 67-88.

Human Environment Interactions

Aguilar Robledo, M. (2004). Formation of the Miraflores Hacienda: Lands, Indians, and livestock in eastern New Spain at the end of the sixteenth century. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 87-110.

Aguilar, A. G., & López, F. M. (2009). Water Insecurity among the urban poor in the peri-urban zone of Xochimilco, México City. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 97-123.

Barrera-Bassols, N., & Toledo, V. M. (2005). Ethnoecology of the Yucatec Maya: symbolism, knowledge and management of natural resources. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 9-41.

Brenner, L., & Job, H. (2006). Actor-Management of Protected Areas and Ecotourism in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 7-27.

Camacho, X. C., Pérez, O. R., Martínez, J. F., & Robledo, M. A. (2014). Distribución Espacial de la Biodiversidad en el Estado de San Luis Potosí, México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 13(2), 11-39.

Christie, M. E. (2007). Naturaleza y sociedad desde la perspectiva de la cocina tradicional Mexicana: Género, adaptación y resistencia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 1(1), 21-54.

Enrico, A., Brehm, K., Teachout, A., Morgan, E., Kiendl, C., Vasquez, K., & Biles, J. J. (2007). Globalization of food retailing and transformation of supply networks: Consequences for small-scale agricultural producers in southeastern Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 55-75.

Fry, M. (2008). Mexico’s concrete block landscape: A modern legacy in the vernacular. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(2), 35-58.

Garibay, C., Boni, A., Panico, F., Urquijo, P., & Klooster, D. (2011). Unequal partners, unequal exchange: Goldcorp, the Mexican State, and Campesino dispossession at the Peñasquito goldmine. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 153-176.

Garza Merodio, G. G. (2006). Technological innovation and the expansion of Mexico City, 1870-1920. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 109-126.

Harner, J. (2007). Globalization of food retailing in Guadalajara, Mexico: Changes in access equity and social engagement. Journal of Latin American Geography, 6(2), 33-53.

Hausermann, H., & Eakin, H. (2008). Producing” viable” landscapes and livelihoods in central Veracruz, Mexico: institutional and producer responses to the coffee commodity crisis. Journal of Latin American Geography, 7(1), 109-131.

Isaac-Márquez, R., Valladares, J. L. S., Spencer, A. E., Arcipreste, M. E. A., Aguilar, M. A. A., Márquez, A. P. I., & González, M. C. S. (2016). Impactos Sociales y Ambientales de la Palma de Aceite: Perspectiva de los Campesinos en Campeche, México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 15(2), 123-146.

Keleman, A., & Hellin, J. (2009). Specialty maize varieties in Mexico: a case study in market-driven agro-biodiversity conservation. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 147-174.

LaFevor, M. C. (2012). Sulphur Mining on Mexico’s Popocatépetl Volcano (1820–1920): Origins, Development, and Human-Environmental Challenges. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(1), 79-98.

Lerner, A. M., & Appendini, K. (2011). Dimensions of peri-urban maize production in the toluca-atlacomulco valley, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 87-106.

López, J. F. (2012). “In the Art of My Profession”: Adrian Boot and Dutch Water Management in Colonial Mexico City. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 35-60.

McAfee, K. (2003). Corn culture and dangerous DNA: Real and imagined consequences of maize transgene flow in Oaxaca. Journal of Latin American Geography, 2(1), 18-42.

Myint, S. W., Jain, J., & Guhathakurta, S. (2010). Patterns and Rates of Land Use Land Cover Change: A Case Study of Ambos Nogales (Arizona and Sonora), 1985-2004. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(3), 245-274.

Perevochtchikova, M., & de la Torre, J. L. L. (2010). Causas de un desastre: Inundaciones del 2007 en Tabasco, México. Journal of Latin American Geography, 9(2), 73-98.

Perramond, E. P. (2005). The politics of ecology: local knowledge and wild chili collection in Sonora, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(1), 59-75.

Radel, C. (2005). Women’s community-based organizations, conservation projects, and effective land control in southern Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 4(2), 7-34.

Roy Chowdhury, R., & Keys, E. (2006). Cash crops, smallholder decision-making and institutional interactions in a closing frontier: Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 75-90.

Sánchez, A. T., & Perevochtchikova, M. (2012). La gestión del agua y el desarrollo de indicadores ambientales en México y Canadá: un análisis comparativo. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 145-165.

Schneider, L. C. (2006). Invasive species and land-use: the effect of land management practices on bracken fern invasion in the region of Calakmul, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2), 92-107.

Smith, D. A., Herlihy, P. H., Kelly, J. H., & Viera, A. R. (2009). The certification and privatization of indigenous lands in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 8(2), 175-207.

Urquijo, P. S., & Bocco, G. (2011). Los estudios de paisaje y su importancia en México, 1970-2010. Journal of Latin American Geography, 10(2), 37-63.

Culture, Tourism, & Migration

Aldrich, S. P. (2012). Contested Groves: Forest Reserves and Land Conflict in the Eastern Amazon. Journal of Latin American Geography, 11(2), 73-101.

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Physical Geography



Tom L. Martinson, pp. 1-2

Developments in Brazilian Geography During the Twentieth Century

Kempton E. Webb, pp. 3-10

Population, Migration, & Urbanization

CLAG at Age Twenty


Our Charge for the 1990s

John P. Augelli, pp. 365-368



Tom L. Martinson and Gary S. Elbow, pp. 1-3

CLAG Honors

James J. Parson

Carl L. Johanessen, pp. 4-5

Robert C. West

Peter W. Rees, p. 6

Robert L. Carmin

Peter W. Rees, p. 7

Opening Presentation

Research Methodology


Robert L. Carmin, Tom Martinson & Barry Lentnek, pp. ii-v

Opening Presentation

Aboriginal & Peasant Cultures

Commercial & Primary Activities

Commercial Agriculture

Edmund E. Hagen, Don R. Hoy, and Ernst Griffin, pp. 182-208

Latin America in the 1960s: The Geography of Minerals

Clarence W. Minkel, pp. 209-214

Research on Forests and Man in Latin Americas

Joshua C. Dickinson III, pp. 215-219

Physical Geography

Urban, Transportation & Industrial Geography

Spatial Factors in Development Planning

Mapping Spatial Factors for Development Planning

Richard P. Momsen, Jr., pp. 397-401

Basic Issues in the Process of Development in Latin America

Harold T. Jorgenson, pp. 402-411

Quasi-Economic Political Units in Latin America

Edward Marasciulo, pp. 412-414