Category: Front Slider
Videography for Participatory Cartography in a Site of Wind Power Conflict in Coastal Ceará State, Brazil (August 2017)
Installed wind power capacity in Brazil expanded rapidly from 28.6 megawatts (MW) in 2005 to 10.6 gigawatts (GW) installed electrical capacity in 2016—roughly...
Lo Que Duele Es Que La Gente Lo Cree: What Hurts Is at People Believe It (July 2017)
From the start of his campaign, Trump targeted Mexican immigrants, framing them as the worst of Mexico: criminals, rapist, and drug dealers. During...
What Does the Trump Administration Mean for the Mérida Agreement? (July 2017)
Historically, Mexico has not figured prominently in US presidential campaigns. The 2016 campaign was an exception. Republican nominee Donald Trump consistently used Mexico...
Old Buddies and Same Old Stories: Argentina and US relations in the Trump Era (July 2017)
On January 25th 2017 the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, issued Executive Orders 13767 and 13768. The former commands...
Borders as Systems of Continuity and Discontinuity in the Age of Trump (July 2017)
How can we understand the implications of the Trump administration’s promise to expand the border wall between the US and Mexico for Latin...
Displacement, Not Deterrence (July 2017)
A logic of deterrence has anchored U.S. immigration enforcement for the last three decades, which rests on the assumption that tougher policies discourage...
The New Resistance: Immigrant Rights Mobilization in an Era of Trump (July 2017)
I want to use this short essay to illustrate the opportunities and tensions within grassroots immigrant rights organizing that emerged in response to...
Implications of the Trump Administration for Latin American Geography (July 2017)
Beginning with his announcement of his Presidential candidacy, Donald Trump’s campaign rested on a foundation of racism, xenophobia, and anti-immigrant hysteria. Now several...
Call for Papers: Petro-Geographies and Hydrocarbon Realities in Latin America
This special issue dedicated to Petro-Geographies and Hydrocarbon Realities in Latin America will bring together research on emerging geographies of oil and natural...